Even…, Ghost catfish are majorly known as Kryptopterus virtreolus.

I have a Pictus that I can confirm is 24 years old. A 4in goldfish, a 2in goldfish, 2 small guppie type fish and a pictus catfish, who is about 3 inches. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to feed them every time they are searching for food. This catfish was first described in 1876 by the Austrian zoologist Franz Steindachner with populations in the warm waters of South America. Once you add the fish to your tank, they will become frenzied during feeding times until they get used to the environment. I’ve also got them with a pleco and a 7 inch sun catfish(who sits in a log all day but is very active at night). Birthplace of Pimelodus pictus is in South America. Many species have come and gone over the years in that tank. Before a frog is fully developed it spends many weeks growing.

A complete guide to caring for the Pictus Catfish including diet and tank mates.

I also wouldn’t advise keeping your turtles and fish together.

The fish are particularly sensitive because they are scale-less, and you need to perform regular water changes. I have cherry barbs, checker barbs, rummy nose tetras, scissortail rasboras and have had no problems. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. There are two types of this fish, namely the small-spotted variety and the large-spotted kind. You will notice it is a very active and fast fish and does well in larger aquariums (100+ gallon tanks). Required fields are marked *, Fish keeping and aquariums has been my hobby for almost 20 years. They have an unmistakable white body highlighted with black spots and huge barbels which reach all the way down to their caudal fin. There are many plant-based and meat-based foods you can choose from, but you can’t go wrong with our abovementioned recommendations. Being highly active schooling fish, they will show no mercy towards those plants. In general, you shouldn’t put any living creature in the tank that is smaller than this catfish in particular. Fishkeeping world was created by a school of fish fanatics. The Pictus Catfish is an unmistakable fish and is hugely popular amongst hobby fish keepers. After reading our complete guide to the Pictus Catfish I hope you can now decide if it’s the right fish to add to your Aquarium. It is best to be around the aquarium and make sure that the algae tablet gets consumed by the right fish. I may have forgotten someone… but they are all in a 125 and are doing great! I see no marks on him, gills look great. Plants like Java Fern, Hornwort, Amazon Sword, and Anubias are hardy, and they do not need a lot of light. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. I also have a bushynose pleco. You can also use a circulation pumps or power heads to provide strong currents. Hi! They actually seemed quite happy. Third, they are occasionally sold as bottom dweller community fish. I have a Pictus in a 125 gallon community tank and the vast majority of the fish are MUCH smaller. They are all about 2-2 1/2 inches and they are all to grow to about 4-5 inches. It is often confused with an upside-down catfish, but these are two completely different species, Synodontis dwells even in Africa. It has transparent fins and white barbels.

Feeding the Pictus Catfish is not more complicated than feeding any other species that you can keep at home.

The pictus catfish is adapted to sandy and muddy river beds in the wild. Member. Thanks, Robert. Hense “was”… Note, these fish including my Pictus require large tanks, 100+ gal with heavy filtration if you want happy healthy they also like mixed zones including the type of light to no light… ex: 190 gal tank with different lighting on the ends with no lights used in mid section. It’s a tadpole’s job to search [Continue reading …]. Also, pictus catfish tend to live more if they are kept in a group. I was told they would work fine with other fish in a 5 gal tank. When choosing plants, select low-light varieties.

Every fish requires a somewhat diverse diet in order to thrive and stay healthy. Hi Joey, yes you can use a powerhead if you filer isn’t creating enough of a current. In the wild Pictus are egg laying, which means that first the female lays eggs and then the male will fertilize them.

By nature they are omnivorous, so they will eat both meat and plant matter. I want some middle tank swimmer and would prefer 3”+,but most larger fish seem too aggrisive. Read our article here on the requirements for Goldfish, most of the need a minimum of 20 gallons: https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/fancy-goldfish/ Thanks, Robert, Hi, so I just got my Pictus Catfish it is kept in a 75 gallon tank with 12 mollies and 4 plattys and a Raphael catfish.