The "repeal the NFA" petition is at 280,000 or something.
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And there’s much misinformation that public is bombarded with. Scope Review: Leupold VX-Freedom FireDot Twilight Hunter. Join the fight! Quote: Originally Posted by weaselfire.
This website is just starting. “There’s no reason for the term NFA item to exist, these should be treated like any other gun and more available to the public,” he continued. And Jerry Brown also opposes President Trump regarding Sanctuary Cities. The effort has been publicized by a number of those well-known in Second Amendment circles including NRA commentator Colion Noir, the Military Arms Channel and the IV8888 crew. The more popular of the two, “Repeal the NFA” seeking to do away with the National Firearms Act of 1934, has garnered 34,185 signatures as of Feb. 8th. California has some of the strictest Gun Control Laws in California. Under the NFA, firearm suppressors, commonly referred to as silencers, are legal to possess if the suppressor is registered with the federal government and the owner pays a mandated transfer tax. Readers, On February 19th of this month a petition on the White House official page calling for repeal of the National Firearms Act of 1934 closed for signatures… 258,833 people signed More than twice the necessary number to elicit an official response from the Executive Branch. ... Petition: Repeal the NFA. The 2nd amendment is about owning weapons to shoot at the government in response to tyranny. Repeal NFA petition. Is this the ‘Trump Won & we’ve got the Legislature’ Complacency that people were afraid might happen?” observed tactical trainer Rob Pincus on social media. How about a more realistic approach? For those just now coming across this model, how has it stood up over the years? The potential is there for this to be one of the most Pro-2A administrations in a long time but it will only follow through if we continue to put that pressure on through written notice, education, and vigilance of the issues. Sign the petition! -Samuel Adams. A USMC Infantry Veteran and Small Arms and Artillery Technician, Keith covers the evolving training and technology from across the shooting industry. With a price point around $300 and a lot of standard features for that amount of green, the new Taurus G3C gives the buyer a lot of bang for the buck. (Photo:
Keith is the Editor-in-Chief of GAT Marketing Group
Repealing the 1986 Hughes amendment and increasing the tax stamp to $500 to help off set the transfer cost and use it as a political argument that it makes Mgs harder to get. We Can’t even get a 100k guys to say ‘repeal the nfa'” noted Hank Strange. Your free subscription includes GAT Daily and specials sent by email in accordance with our trusted Privacy Policy.
While this is only a small measure and could result in a “we’ll look into it” response it puts the federal government on notice that we as gun owners are actively seeking to shape the policies that surround our Second Amendment rights and to remove now asinine limitations and regulations. And there’s much misinformation that public is bombarded with. Taurus G3C Review After 4 Months, 1K Rounds. ... Repeal the NFA.
Jump to page: January 23rd, 2017, 09:29 AM. Petition to repeal the NFA! Repeal The NFA and More!
“Why haven’t you signed the petitions to repeal the NFA and Hughes Amendment yet? It reached that threshold within six days and by the end of the month, there was a total of 308,272 signatures. It's a petition. Make your voices heard.
If there’s something that you feel should be added, please exercise your First Amendment right, and share with us. All Rights Reserved, Petitions to repeal NFA, Hughes Amendment garner 40K signatures in 19 days. This petition to the White House has already garnered the 100,000 signatures needed to expect a response from the administration. The petition received 34,435 signatures – enough to surpass the threshold at the time – and received a response in the same tone as the original request. Each petition needs 100,000 signatures to earn a response by the White House and must reach that goal by Feb. 19th.
“You Still Think Suppresors (sic) Are Coming Off the NFA sometime Soon???
"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms".
G26Raven. A grassroots movement to repeal the NFA and the Hughes Amendment are only just gaining ground.
Printable View. Each petition needs 100,000 signatures to earn a response by the White House and …
W. wahsben. Page 2 of 2 First 1 2.
NES Life Member. There are still plenty of 2A opponents out there who refuse outright to use logic and reason to form objective opinions and still swing the effective emotional outrages around to get the visceral votes to pass terrible legislation.
We Can’t even get a 100k guys to say ‘repeal the nfa'” noted Hank Strange.
Read on to find out. So how does the no-frills Ruger AR-556 perform when put to the test?
Though IWI's X95, released in 2016, usurps the SAR, my Tavor SAR is still part of the family. This website was designed with one thing in mind.
The NFA is not going away.
Let's find out. Someone started a petition to repeal the NFA on the WhiteHouse.Gov website and needs our support.
Get out to the voting booths and exercise your right to pick those who hold public offices. “I am surprised at the very low number of signatures on the ‘Repeal the NFA’ online petition. It is still open and you c... Jump to content. Stay in the know. The budget-friendly line of American-made Leupold VX-Freedom riflescopes found a welcome audience last year, but 2020 sees even more interesting additions to the family, with our hands-down favorite being the illuminated-reticle FireDot line. The NFA is more than just SBRs and silencers.
Show 50 post(s) from this thread on one page. The NRA and Gun Owners of America to name a few.
Use a Firearm to prevent a sexual crime per year, After Mandatory Gun Law city of Kennesaw, Georgia. ... the individual, the right tools and information to make an impact.
On February 19th of this month a petition on the White House official page calling for repeal of the National Firearms Act of 1934 closed for signatures…. More than twice the necessary number to elicit an official response from the Executive Branch. Too busy or disinterested in your 2nd Amendment rights?” posted Molon Labe Industries.
This petition was a great first step and will put the Trump administration on record with a response. It should come as no surprise the Ruger name is synonymous with value, and its’ AR-556 looks to fit this mold as an entry-level AR-15 with a reasonable MSRP. To give you, the individual, the right tools and information to make an impact. There are laws that are passing, in response to the tragedies that have taken place in our country. Top #3036178 - 01/22/17 05:59 PM Re: Repeal NFA petition on WhiteHouse.Gov [Re: ExCavTanker] bambambam ... or if it actually generates some action other than a response to receiving the petition. While this is only a small […] Near zero! Four Years Later: IWI Tavor SAR Revisited.
Why waste time on a worthless petition. Repeal the NFA. A pair of We The People petitions to the White House for gun reform started on President Donald Trump’s inauguration day are slowly gaining steam. The white house didn't respond to HPA or Repeal the NFA petitions, why would they respond to this? In response, the ATF "broke from decades of precedent and discovered a new power to prohibit that widely held type of firearm accessory. Sign the Petition! Voice your opinion to social media outlets, your state officals, and the media.
Kevin Smith. The second, to “Repeal the 1986 Hughes amendment,” the law which bans new production of machine guns for civilians, has only picked up a meager 8,712 signatures.
Designed by, October is another month of record gun sales. Exercise your right to Free Speech.
The turn in rate and self destruct rate will be similar to the hi-cap mag turn in response in New Jersey. There’s many Pro 2nd Amendment organizations fighting for our rights, daily.
A Certified Instructor since 2009 he has taught concealed weapons courses in the West Michigan area in the years since and continues to pursue training and teaching opportunities as they arise. However, some have chided their fellow gun enthusiasts for not being more responsive to the drive.
Get offers and news, Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 ©2019 Entitled, “This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Looking For,” White House advisor Paul Shawcross gave creative justifications for the negative reply. The 1986 Hughes amendment (as part of the Firearm Owners Protection Act) is an unconstitutional ban that limits law abiding citizens from owning fully automatic weapons that were manufactured past May 19, 1986. This is a discussion on Repeal the NFA within the Off Topic forums, part of the Sniping Related category; In less than 5 minutes of effort you can do something to help restore the 2nd Amendment. There are laws that are passing, in response to the tragedies that have taken place in our country. This website is just starting. In 2017, a petition was started on to “Repeal the NFA.” The petition needed 100,000 signatures within 30 days to get a response from the Trump administration. The Recent California Gun Laws infringe on our Second Amendment rights. We're here to give you the tools you need to fight back. Repeal The NFA Petition Discussion in 'National Laws, Bills and Politics' started by tmoore912, Jan 27, 2017. Stop him now!