All orders must be placed through me by email, in order to qualify for the discount. If you're interested, my email is My latest 27" Bru 13. Excaliber Turbo kiln included. Sale prices will run through November 30th, 2014.
Good afternoon all! View All; Info New York Dynamic Porcelain PO Box 333 Otego, NY 13825 Call us at 1-607-988-9434 Subscribe to our newsletter. Roberts' Roost Country Guest House Updates. Composition bodies are now 20% off the regular retail prices and all doll molds from NYDP are now 25% off.
Starting Saturday, November 15th I will be offering all NYDP composition bodies and molds at very special prices!!!! Porcelain Slip; Porcelain Tints; China Paints; Media for Painting; Other Supplies; Clearance Items - RECENTLY ADDED! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I'm in upstate NY, and my mother in law is selling all her molds for porcelain dolls. Something went wrong. View cart for details. I have no preference whether it is an individual item or sold as a lot.
Doll Name: Peter or Marie by Kammer & Reinhardt, Doll Name: Little Grump by E I Horsman (Germany), Doll Name: Jean Claude by Francois Gautier, Doll Name: Claudette by Francois Gautier, Doll Name: Julie C Steiner by Steiner circa 1885, Doll Name: Portrait Jumeau-Stobe by Jumeau, Beloved French lady or child, unmarked but attributed, Doll Name: Uncle Sam by Cuno & Otto Dressel, Also seen as Peddlar, Farmer, Grandmother and Father Christmas, Doll Name: Miranda/Lady Doll by Kestner, Doll Name: Long Face Jumeau "Triste" by Jumeau, Doll Name: Pouty "Billie II" by Heubach, Doll Name: Jean Claude II by Francois Gaultier, Doll Name: "Celeste" by Julius N Steiner, Doll Name: Laughing Jumeau "Sandy" by SFBJ*, Doll Name: Elise Bby Kammer & Reinhardt, Doll Name: Princess Elizabeth made by Schoenau &, Doll Name: Jutta by Cuno & Otto Dressel, Doll Name: Thursday Child by Simon& Halbig, Doll Name: Shandele II by Leon Casimir Bru, Doll Name: Liane, Pierre by Jules Verlingue, Doll Name: Shandele III by Leon Casimir Bru, Doll Name: Jean Claude III by Francois Gaultier, Doll Name: Antoinette, by Maurice and Charles Schmitt, Early German Kestner lady doll with plump cheeks and pleasant, Used Head Mold: SH72, wt. Stay Tuned to 'The Doll Dispatch' for all the updates! And could you tell me where you are in the states? Connie Zink, Christmas Open House Sale Starts Today!!!!! Welcome to our eBay Store. Popular Brands. Something went wrong. Also selling handmade clothes and dolls. Seeley compo 16" doll Body. Please contact me at or phone 815-565-0024. Ceramic bisque ready to paint coming soon, check back for more details, or sign-up for the newsletter to be notified when they are available! There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. I have approximately 25/30 brand new Seely doll molds, China kiln, and firing kiln for sell at a bargain.