I was experimenting with the Vinesauce ROM Corruptor using Elmo's Letter Adventure for the N64 and figured it may be interesting to figure out how to corrupt specific elements in the game. I would also have a save with no stars so I could see what the intro looked like corrupted, and a save with stars so I could see as many individual levels as I wanted corrupted. **(None)**, Between 7CA000 and 7FFFFF (END), game seems normal. Additionally, it prevents crashes by avoiding having the ROM access corrupted data in loading screens, and allows us to bypass the amount of finesse required to target specific areas of an N64 ROM by blasting a high volume of corruption over the areas. Vinesauce ROM Corruptor Color Replacement Guide, Vinesauce ROM Corruptor Text Replacement Guide, Vinesauce ROM Corruptor Version 1.2.2 Released. If you want quick access to all the levels in a game, you can always use Gameshark codes to unlock everything and then make your save states from there. Example corruptions for each of these games and a text file with a rough mapping of the SM64 ranges can be found below.
**(Audio)**, In-between 335000? Corrupting text, which is when some text characters are replaced with other text characters or garbage text, is very similar except that you'll only see results with "corrupt every" values between 1 and about 13. Therefore, you want to make multiple save states before and after load screens to make sure you don’t miss any good results. This option does not effect anything other than NES ROMs. **(Audio)**, Game crashes when booting when bytes between 4D9000 and 4DB000 are corrupted.
As you probably already know, going closer to 1 will give more severe corruptions but will crash more often and vice versa. Because N64 corruption consists of blasting the whole ROM with little specificity, replace generally isn’t what you want. Their true form exists outside of any known reality and IP), Void manipulation (Reduced their emulated version of Mario to nonexistence), Probability manipulation ( increased the amount of Pokemon encounters ), Power Nullification (Removed the powers of Mega Man, making them completely unable to act), Text Manipulation, Death Manipulation (Able to cause characters to die through corruption), BFR (Sent Luigi to another race track. In a game like Ocarina of Time, this can control how far above or below the ground the character is depending on how high or low the Add/Shift number is, and in a game like Mario Party, the Add/Shift value controls what text characters replace corrupted text. **(Audio)**, In-between 315000 and 335000, There are significant audio corruptions in the background noise, the difficulty select screen sounds are corrupted, and the sounds that play when finding a right or wrong letter are corrupted. Orchard crashes on winning.
The higher the number the less likely corrupting will happen, the lower the value the more likely a crash will occur.
These instructions will also more or less work for VineCorrupt.
Run Emulator after Corrupting This launches an emulator and runs the corrupted ROM after clicking 'Run'. whenever you can. The results can be amusing, interesting, strange, or whatever you might feel in viewing them. Usually one word is enough.
This sets the a destination path for the corrupted file/ROM, ticking "Overwrite File" will always replace the file/ROM in the set destination. In-Universe, The Vinesauce Rom Corrupter was shown to be sentient and is the one who causes many verses to be drastically warped from what they were intended to be, Gender: None (The entity has no defined gender, as it's merely a disembodied entity), Classification: Sentient File/Rom Corrupter, Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping, Plot Manipulation, Information manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Capable of interacting with beings such as Death), Creation (Emulates existing IPs into worlds similar in size to the original verse), Law Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation , Physics Manipulation (Changed the laws of physics and how they function in GTA 5), Time manipulation (Can reset, slow down, fast forward and freeze time), Biological Manipulation , Immortality (Type 1, 5, 9. The best place to start when you're first corrupting a ROM is around 25. This wiki article is adapted from the N64 Corruption Guide 1.1.5. Credit goes to Nephkin for finding the range for the SM64 corruptions of Mario’s face and SmellyFeetYouHave for the idea of the decompressed ROM corruptions. **(Visual)**, *16A000 to 170500 Even more polygons missing. What I want to know if there are any settings in the emulator I can change to make it work better because I am not sure myself. and 400000?, the title screen music is a little corrupted, background noise on difficulty select is corrupted. So I targeted specific areas of the ROM with corruption and analyzed their effects to roughly estimate which parts of the controlled specific elements in the game, such as character models, audio, and UI.
The RTC is under active development and has far more features than other corruptors. While save states aren’t required, it’s still helpful to make them anyway. **(None, Some Crashes)**, In-between 272000 and 300000, Game is black at boot (but no crash), moon game crashes on load, rocket game load leads to black screen, loading the fill-in-the-blank game causes the game to crash. Small sections of text will result in greater collateral corruption of the file, as they will match non-text data more often. If corrupting NES ROMs, enable CPU Jam Protection (optional). There will be two slots in the upper left, on under "file selection" and one under "emulator selection." **(Visual)**, *16A000 to 170400 Elmo is missing polygons, and there is more black in his body, a large black triangle seems connected to him in some way.
Chrono Trigger has infinite timlines that exist in the entire verse and Pokemon has an infinite number as a result of the Reflection Cave, which creates an infinite chain of universes, which in turn creates an infinitely expanding multiverse. Vinesauce ROM Corruptor Color Replacement Guide, Vinesauce ROM Corruptor Text Replacement Guide, Vinesauce ROM Corruptor Version 1.2.2 Released. You'll want to have the "corrupt every" higher with these, with the 75-120 range being optimal in most cases.
CORRUPT Corruptors Utility in Game Modification Category << Go to Corruptors utilities list. There are ROM decompression tools for 3 N64 games: Super Mario 64, Majora's Mask, and Ocarina of time.
Avoid making them before load screens, or on menu screens. **(Crashes)**, In-between 1FD300 and 212000, game seems normal. This was originally released on 2015-01-13. If the character models are stretched in weird ways but this stretching is fairly consistent, it's a normal N64 corruption. **(Visual, Visual UI, Some Crashes)**, In-between byte 142500 and 143000 corrupts crucial loading points between the difficulty selection screen and the plaza. **(Audio)**, Between 61A000 and 64A000, Ernie’s model (in plaza) is severely corrupted. **(Visual)**, In-between 18B000 and 18F300, polygons coming from Ernie’s stairs tether to Elmo, Ernie’s model is missing from the plaza. Choose an emulator to run after corrupting (optional). The RTC is under active development and has far more features than other corruptors. Some emulators may require you launch t… That information is however still valid for corrupting the ROM domain in RTC. **(Visual UI)**, In-between byte 131111 and 142500 corrupts the balloons in the plaza significantly, corrupts UI for letter finding, crashes the orchard on load, crashes the fill-in-the-blank game on load.
**(Visual)**, *16A000 to 16B000 affected his eyes, nose, and his mouth. Music corruptions can be an exception to this rule, but this is a rule you usually need to follow.
The first iteration of decompressed ROM corruptions and one of the most well known corruption videos to date. Credit goes to Nephkin for finding the range for the SM64 corruptions of Mario’s face and, for the idea of the decompressed ROM corruptions. **(Crashes)**, In-between byte 101000 and 111000, logo screen has visual corruption, N64 controller UI glow is corrupted. Continued use of this site implies consent to these functional cookies. Added mdnds. It all depends on what aspect of the ROM you are trying to corrupt, and the best way to figure out the value you want is trial and error like everything else with N64 corruption.