Source(s): Natural American Spirit Yellow. We promise nobody will try and make you quit!
4 years ago. 20 quality filter cigarettes. Brown non filter, sure wish they made menthol non filter.
Natural American Spirit products are advertised as "100% Additive-Free Tobacco", though they include the standard generic Surgeon General tobacco warning on the packs in accordance with federal regulation standards, which currently states "no additives in our tobacco does NOT mean a safer cigarette". And "tobacco and water" - the fuck? What are all the American spirit colors? This Site Might Help You. Natural American Spirit; Product type: Cigarette: Owner: Reynolds American: Produced by: Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company: Country: United States: Introduced: 1982 ; 38 years ago () Markets: See Markets: Website: Natural American Spirit (often referred to as American Spirit) is an American brand of cigarettes and other tobacco products, currently owned by Reynolds American and … Only by name, as in the UK all tobacco products are packaged in olive coloured packs. American Spirit cigarettes are sold in 20s and are either Blue, Yellow or Orange. I didn't like the Hunter really at all it just doesn't have the flavour of the blacks which are my regulars. 9/3 Update) Please confirm each time. I don't remember if Orange is Ultra Light or Menthol. [8] American Spirit also has a Perique Blend Filter cigarette, which contains 10% Perique tobacco, and an Organic Filter cigarette, which contains organic tobacco.[8]. I usually do yellow which is light, I have a teal box right now that says balanced taste and not sure what it is. Whether the name and address on the payment list match the order. I guess my color is Celadon. Natural American Spirit also offers several "Roll Your Own" tobaccos in tins and pouches. Lv 4. They have added a very porous tipping paper to give the smoke a lighter, mellower taste. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [2] Japan Tobacco announced in September 2015 that it acquired the right to sell Natural American Spirit products in markets outside the United States. It's like smoking air, full air. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. [9], California Attorney General Jerry Brown announced on March 1, 2010, that his office had secured an agreement with the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company to clearly disclose that its organic tobacco is "no safer or healthier" than other tobacco products. It’s lighter than yellow.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Made in the European Union (EU) under authority of Santa Fe, Natural Tobacco Company Inc. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.