After the initial drawing period is completed, any person may receive up to two (2) reduced price cow/calf elk licenses. Persons holding the following licenses are exempt from the requirement to purchase a conservation stamp while exercising hunting or fishing privileges under ANY Wyoming license. Please reload CAPTCHA.
No person holding an archery license shall take big game or trophy game animals during a special archery hunting season or during a limited quota archery season by the use of any type of fi rearm. The Department may require substantive proof from any person who fails to retrieve from the site of kill all edible portions of a big game animal as to why the edible portions were not removed from the field.
Park Permit means a permit issued by Grand Teton National Park that allows a properly licensed elk hunter to take an elk within Grand Teton National Park. Shotguns firing “00” or larger buckshot are now legal for all big and trophy game. According to a recent press release from the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission (WGFC), new regulations have been enacted for hunting in Wyoming.
Public Road or Highway means any roadway that is open to vehicular travel by the public.
Nothing in this section shall prohibit the hunting on foot of raccoon with the aid of a handlight, provided the hunter is accompanied by a raccoon hunting dog and, if hunting on private lands, has the written permission of the landowner or his agent. Please drop us a line or two telling us which updates we have missed. Purchase of the stamp is not mandatory, but does provide sportsmen a voluntary means to fund predator management. 731,990 acres. Just click on the sections below to jump directly to that section. You should consult current WGFD regulations before making your final application decisions. Love your website. In Hunt Areas 24, 27, 29, 30 or 33 after the initial drawing is completed, any person may purchase an unlimited number of limited quota reduced price doe/fawn deer licenses. The crossbow hunter must be equipped with a crossbow of not less than ninety (90) pounds draw weight that has a minimum draw length of fourteen (14) inches (from front of bow to back of string in the cocked position), and a positive safety mechanism. They do need to have the required hunting license for that specific species. The cutting edges must be no less than 1 inch in width.
(a) For deer, no person shall apply for and receive more than one (1) full price deer license through the initial drawing. In Hunt Areas 1-6, 8-15, 17, 19-23, 26, 32, 34, 37, 40, 41, 44, 45, 47, 49, 51, 65, 66, 88, 97, 109, 111, 112, 116, 120-122, 124, 125, 127, 157, 164, 165, 170 or 171, after the initial drawing is completed, any person may purchase up to four (4) limited quota reduced price doe/fawn deer licenses.
Hunters are not required to obtain special archery permits for harvesting small game or game birds with crossbows.
However, no person shall apply for and receive more than a total of two (2) deer licenses valid for the taking of antlered or any deer, of which not more than one (1) shall be valid for antlered or any mule deer. The road surface, the area between the fences on a fenced public road or highway, and an area thirty (30) feet perpendicular to the edge of the road surface on an unfenced public road or highway shall be considered the public road or highway. Firearms may be carried uncased in vehicles, although safety dictates that all firearms in a vehicle should be unloaded with action open.
Here you'll find everything from baiting restrictions to guides, archery hunting, motorized vehicles, and more.
Any person under the age of fourteen (14) years applying for a license to hunt big or trophy game animals shall have the application for the license co-signed by his parent or legal guardian.
Land status is complicated and lawful access must be investigated thoroughly.
Kendall. Wyoming has no restrictive laws concerning firearms that may be legally possessed under the laws of one's home state. In addition, muzzleloading rifles or handguns of at least .40 caliber that fire a lead or expanding-point bullet using at least 50 grains of black powder or its equivalent can be used. }. An archery license shall not be required in addition to a limited quota license to participate in a limited quota archery only season. Any person acting as a mentor to a mentee with a special authorization pursuant to this section shall not provide supervision for more than one (1) mentee at a time in the field and shall accompany the mentee at all times to provide constant supervision. Private lands enrolled in either a Walk-in or Hunter Management Area program only grants access to hunters or anglers for the species of wildlife and for the time periods specified in Department publications. They must have a draw length of no less than 14 inches from the front of the crossbow to the rear of the string while in the cocked position. Section 6. When the animal is in transportation, the carcass coupon may be carried by the person accompanying the carcass so that the coupon will not be lost.
The broadhead of arrows or bolts shall be of sharp steel with a minimum cutting width of one (1) inch. • Shoot or attempt to kill any wildlife from any public road or highway.
Outfitter Web Site Design by, Wyoming Hunting Camp Cook; deliciously delightful, Fall in Love with Fall Black Bear Hunting. Processor means a custom meat processor licensed by the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. two
Hunters/anglers wishing to use enrolled private lands for any other wildlife species, activity or time period must obtain permission from the owner or person in charge of the property. Waste means to leave, abandon, or allow to spoil any edible portion of meat from a big game animal, game bird, game fish or small game animal.
Since 2009, with hard work and good weather conditions we have averaged 95%+ on our Archery Antelope. Bow and Arrow means a longbow, recurve bow, compound bow or crossbow. The fee for this stamp will be established annually by the Animal Damage Management Board.
• Transport illegally taken wildlife across state lines; such transportation is a violation of the Federal Lacey Act. Burn Areas Last 10 yrs ... 17 Antelope Species. Site of the Kill means the location where the harvested animal died. For moose and elk, a bow must have a minimum draw weight of 50 pounds. Wyoming is a member of the Wildlife Violator Compact. Contact: Wyoming State Board of Outfitters at 1950 Bluegrass Circle #280, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82002 or call toll free 1-800-264-0981. If our information is incorrect or no longer valid we greatly apologize for our error. All cartridges for big and trophy game must use a lead or expanding-point bullet with the exception of any shotgun firing “00” buckshot or a slug.
Bureau of Reclamation land means lands administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation.
The Compact enables a violator from any state that is a member of the Wildlife Violator Compact to accept a wildlife citation and proceed on his way without being required to post an appearance bond unless the violation requires MUST APPEAR and NO BOND ACCEPTED. Failure to properly dress and care for any big game animal you have killed, and, if the carcass is reasonably accessible, within forty eight (48) hours to take or transport the carcass to your camp, and there properly care for the carcass is prima facie evidence of a violation.
Any license, tag, permit or stamp shall not be valid unless the proper fees have been received by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
if ( notice ) })(120000); Please Read our Privacy Policy, Access and Vehicular Travel on Special Lands. No hunter is allowed to harvest trophy or big game with a crossbow during any special archery season without first purchasing an archery hunting permit as well as the proper hunting license. (a) In hunt areas where the taking of any big game animal is restricted to antler point or horn size by regulation, the antlers or horns shall accompany the animal as a whole, or edible portion thereof. bull; Crossbow hunters are required to use a crossbow with a peak draw weight of at least 90 pounds and a bolt at least 16 inches long.
Remember that a pheasant management stamp must be obtained to harvest pheasant upon WDWMAs. Also says this with regard to cocking aids: = "block";
Type means a limitation on a license in a particular hunt area for the sex of animal, the species of animal, the length of the season, the type of weapon or a portion of the hunt area in which the license shall be valid. The maximum bag limit for big game animals and trophy game animals for any person with the proper licenses and permits shall not exceed the following number of animals: one (1) elk per license; one (1) moose per license; one (1) bighorn sheep per license; one (1) mountain goat per license; one (1) antelope per license; one (1) deer per license; one (1) black bear per license; one (1) mountain lion per license.
Everything from Blaze Orange to Guides, Archery, Baiting, Automatic Weapons, ATV Motorized vehicles and more. (g) It is a violation to apply for and receive more than the specified number of licenses allowed by Commission regulations. Archery and rifle antelope hunting on private ground located in northeast Wyoming near Gillette.