All rights reserved. Also the vulcano version of that is also good but it's a lot harder, I think it is called something with melee, I got an apprentice fabricated sniper from the Saber Slalom race in the arctic, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved Subreddit, Press J to jump to the feed. I have no problem with getting better items from missions exclusively, provided it's not a one time deal... You can get some half decent loot from bog beat down (Tek helmet also). Also tek rex in lunar biome ive goten stuff from them. Sign up for a new account in our community. I made a guide for ARK's new permanent 2x rates, coming August 25. So where do we get this loot from?
You get blueprints for missions? So, Anyone managed to find a way to consistently get good blueprints? It's easy! 76 comments.
this is basicaly how i have goten some bp and stuff from killing creatures i just dont put down what ones lol witch i should do. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Dodobasket for example will yield me apprentice items for the 4-5 first runs, then I'll start getting journeyman stuff for the following 10-15 games, before upgrading again.
but beleive me no one is going to make that ... and that litterally the "only" good ? I also noticed that if you spam the same mission and succeed, the rewards increases in quality. Copyright 2020 Studio Wildcard. Lets get into what everyone is thinking about, where are those Mastercraft or ascendant Longnecks and Crossbows? Blueprints essentially come in two different versions, 'structure' blueprints which are only for items without quality and directly imitat…
Hell, anything over primitive is an upgrade. ive experienced certain creatures giving a mix of bp and the actual item like saddles and weapons so on after killing them like after going into the caves in the lava area on my megatherium killing insects in there tends to give stuff mainly i think the arthropleura has a better chance than the others. Where to get blueprints in Genesis? Powered by Invision Community. Better Blueprints and Gear on Genesis? Copyright 2020 Studio Wildcard. Lets get into what everyone is thinking about, where are those Mastercraft or ascendant Longnecks and Crossbows? 474. There are quests where often drops saddles on a rhino, rex. All rights reserved. Any specific ones? Any missions? Not a BP, but I managed to get 2 ramshackle rex saddles today from "Cheaper by the pack" in gamma. I have some but don’t remember where I got them and haven’t found anything too great yet so I wanted to try and do some farming for them, Fishing in the underwater cube lakes at the ocean biome, Does fishing give anything good? Nobody noticed a tendency If you perform the same mission many times, then you accumulate a lot of similar saddles, etc. What’s the best way to get blueprints on Genesis? share. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment.
Well I just watched a video of a guy opening a 100 of each lootbox and it seems like the only lootbox that has a crossbow or longneck in its loot pool is the "Tier 1, Green one" which has a chance to give a Ramshackle Crossbow. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hell, anything over primitive is an upgrade.
A new breed of open-world dinosaur survival game, now on Xbox One, PS4, and Steam Windows/Mac/Linux! So, maybe someone noticed from which quests the flak set often drops?
Here is all you need to know.
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Question. You buy it from the store, but it's a low drop rate, and after the last patch they flooded the table with more worthless junk, so good luck.
Thank the guy! Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved Subreddit. Flak, saddles etc, so far the only thing i ve gotten is a asc drill. I got a really good harpoon gun from the bog fishing mission. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press J to jump to the feed. We did this mission, didnt get a blueprint, but we did get a mastercraft mining drill. What’s the best way to get blueprints on Genesis? bp that we managed to get everythign else is jsut plain and simple garbage, mission reward volcano beta gauntlet fight (liek the bog beatdown) but its the only thing decent we got out of maybe 20 mission so dont expect too much.
After that there is no longneck or crossbow. Smithy, Fabricator or Tek Replicator) to craft it. QUESTION. Thank you for the heads up.
Ok so missions can reward bps, I havent done any yet and only heard people talking about the hexagon rewards and I bought a high tier loot crate but got no bps and only garbage so I was genuinely not sure where to get bps from. i am thinking the stronger creatures have better chance of dropping stuff you would need o test it out what creatures give more so on. again dont expect too much in 20 mission that the ONLY bp we got (and that we wont make because ... yeah way too expensive ...) and everything else we havent seen a single BP. I haven’t got any and I’ve done about 30 missions. To use a Blueprint, you have to obtain all the resources needed to craft the item listed in the blueprint itself, and then click on the Blueprint in your inventory or in the required workstation (e.g. … 195k. Last I recall fishing gave pretty mediocre blueprints. Blueprints can be used an unlimited number of times at any level, except for the Fishing Rod and all Tekblueprints, they are only usable 3 times. Not an official support channel. ive experienced certain creatures giving a mix of bp and the actual item like saddles and weapons so on after killing them like after going into the caves in the lava area on my megatherium killing insects in there tends to give stuff mainly i think the arthropleura has a better chance than the others.