She soon joined him on his quest after running away from home, but not before throwing him into a tree via earthbending to even the score from the tournament. She was very embarrassed to find out what actually happened, commenting that Suki could let her drown. After learning that she ran a metalbending school, Satoru asked if she would be willing to visit the refinery from time to time with her students in order to help out with the machines, something to which Toph quickly agreed. She still felt hurt, even after she earthbent them into a river, and Katara waterbent them away. She did, however, admit in a private conversation with Sokka, which Katara overheard, that Katara's motherly ways could be good sometimes. In a short matter of time, Toph easily defeated Xin Fu. The group did not believe him, though Toph vouched for him, as she could not detect Satoru to be lying. While not often openly kind, Toph showed a warmness toward her only granddaughter.

This made Toph exceptionally angry.

[13], The lack of freedom her parents gave her led to Toph's parenting style becoming a total opposite of theirs, giving her two daughters, Lin and Suyin, total freedom in their life. [15], Though the two were initially somewhat hostile, Sokka was the only member of the group who did not confront Toph for her apparent lack of responsibility and later confronted Katara and Aang with the realization that they "were pretty much jerks". [2] The two share similar personalities, as they can both be blunt and stubborn on occasion; Toph was referred to by Korra as being a "cranky, more miserable version of Lin",[3] and Toph proudly affirmed herself as being "the original Beifong".[2]. [4], At some point before 120 AG, Toph became romantically involved with a man named Kanto, with whom she had a daughter, Lin. Though he was the oldest of her students, the possible advantage of experience due to age seems to have been erased in his case by the fearful attitude in which he went about life; of all of Toph's students, he seemed to find her the most imposing, fearfully calling her "Sifu Toph" when "corrected" by her for being distracted by the events in Yu Dao. [8], The two men traveled throughout the Earth Kingdom and eventually to Ba Sing Se, where they finally caught her by setting a trap.

[16], Suki, Sokka, and Toph journeyed to Wulong Forest, where Aang had just defeated Ozai.

It was revealed that Toph had a daughter with an unknown man and fans wanted answers as to who he could be. They continued to hold on to the rope as Old Iron marched toward the town. [8], Toph began to teach Aang earthbending, but complications arose between Toph's teaching style and Aang's natural tendencies as an airbender. As a result, she never had any contact with her peers and never managed to form any real friendships. Closest of the initial students in age to Toph, he does not seem to respect her any more than he respected his fellow students, judging by his grudging look when Toph "corrected" her students for looking out of the window when they were supposed to have been metalbending.

Ordered to get the assembly lines back up and running, Satoru was reluctant to admit to his uncle that it would take him some time to repair the damaged machine, so they would have to make do with the older benders' line. She had used them to insult her whenever they were arguing. He ended their conversation by pointing Toph to Lao's office and left to get back to his work. All canon pairings and canon storyline.

Later, when Sokka was tricked into attacking Azula, rather than ignoring her as he had instructed the group to do, Toph had to intervene twice to prevent Azula from killing him – the first time from being stabbed with one of Mai's weapons and the second time from being burned by Azula's firebending. First appearance After twenty years of no contact, Toph and Lin found a common ground and reconciled.

[21], Later, when he was forced to confront a ferocious saber-tooth moose lion in order to protect trapped Sokka, Aang finally stood his ground and learned to think like an earthbender. Upon witnessing her fight Xin Fu's entire group of earthbenders, however, he was astonished to the point of fainting.

[19], Toph and Azula indirectly met for the last time at the Western Air Temple.

She went on to talk about her life under her overbearing parents.

After a second quake caused mined crystals to spill out, Satoru urged the team to leave, fearful that his uncle would be angry over what had happened.

[18], During the search for Fire Lord Ozai during the invasion of the Fire Nation, Toph used her expert earthbending and metalbending abilities to locate the underground bunkers. When he praised her as having outdone herself in the construction of this metal beast, she responded that he can just call her the greatest earthbender of all time; when Sokka laughed this off as a joke, Toph surprised him by insisting upon the flattery, only to remark that it was very sweet of him to tell her that with an enormous grin on her face.

When the mine caved in, Satoru became trapped underground along with several others.[3]. Katara had shown great sympathy for Toph over her restricted life under her parents. [38] At the Western Air Temple, The Duke suggested looking for Toph after she disappeared from the group upon her meeting with Zuko. Satoru explained that he was respectful and grateful of his uncle because he had been there for him when he needed him the most.

Following the Hundred Year War, Toph separated from Aang and the rest of Team Avatar, only to join back up with them when she heard Appa flying over the Beifong Metalbending Academy just before the skirmish at Yu Dao.

[40] The two did not meet again, as Azula was defeated by Katara during the passing of Sozin's Comet. Although she had heard stories about the exploits of the Dragon of the West,[30] she was not aware she was talking to him. However, Toph and Lao soon after found themselves fighting for their lives when Loban's secret iron ore mines were discovered by Sokka and Katara, and subsequently began to collapse as they attempted to evacuate the miners. One day, during the new Spirits' Friendship Festival, Toph punched Satoru in the arm for not having been back to the refinery in the two weeks since it had opened, to which he expressed his belief that she would just waltz back in whenever she felt like it. Later that day, after Toph ran away with Team Avatar, Lao Beifong appointed Xin Fu and Yu as bounty hunters to bring Toph home.

After the group arrived in Ba Sing Se and were able to talk to the Earth King, Toph received a letter she thought was from her mother. He proudly presented his new and improved processing machine that doubled the factory line's ore refining capacity. Due to the fact that he was deep in meditation with Roku, Aang did not seem to immediately realize that she had returned; however, once they had landed, he greeted her with a hug just as Katara and Sokka had, a matter made slightly difficult by the fact that he had clearly outgrown Toph during the last year (compensated by his bending down and her standing on the tips of her toes during the hug).

During the final confrontation between Liling's bender supremacists and Team Avatar, Satoru, armed with a metal pipe, and Sokka formed the last line of defense inside the factory. She was also comfortable with letting him eat nuts out of her hand and ride away on her shoulder while training Aang. He commented that there was nothing wrong with needing help and sometimes people offer help because they want, not because they believe the other person is incapable. This was emphasized when she claimed to have spotted the titular library from Appa's back, only to remind her friends that she was blind.