The vassal you're transferring can't be in a war. you can't transfer a duke to a king unless the duchy is de jure part of the kingdom. Useful if you want to ensure all counties can support up to 7 slots. i think i figured it out..what happened is that i hold this duchy, and that baron was part of a county which was part of the said duchy (the county and duchy in question we're pretty far from one another) i guess here the solution would be just to give that county to him or to someone else, then transfer vassalage to the proper duchy..thank you all for the help! Opening the console []. However, depending on your various laws, if you can revoke or destroy the duchy title, you can 1) transfer the individual counties to the King of Italy, or 2) grant the duchy title TO the King of Italy (either to hold or as a viceroyalty). Sets a character's gfx culture based on default graphical_culture of a culture, Forces a pregnant character to instantly give birth, Imprisons a character by another character, Join a society. Takes two more optional arguments: [( 1/0 )] [( 1/0 )], Impregnates a character by another character, Impregnates a character by another character, father unknown, Changes the succession type (WARNING: Dangerous).

Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 3.2. Hovering over a title's flag shows you the name of the title, as long as you have charinfo active. china_open, china_isolationist, china_expansionist), Kills the ruler specified offmap power, and generates a new one of a different dynasty, Adds nomadic manpower to a nomad player character (default 5000), Adds nomadic population to a nomad player character (default 5000), Toggles the ability to send diplomatic messages that will be refused, Starts specified disease outbreak in a random province. this rule does NOT apply to counties. If so, will I be able to transfer duke-level vassals freely to my viceroys or are there other rules I need to take into account? Search for those by county name if you get lost. Adds debugging information to character, title and event tooltips. Valid values: gavelkind, elective_gavelkind, tanistry, seniority, primogeniture, feudal_elective, ultimogeniture, turkish_succession, papal_succession, appointment, open_elective, catholic_bishopric, patrician_elective, nomad_succession, offmap_succession, Makes a character the lover of another character, Reads a file where each line is executed as a console command, Displays AI strategy for a character (empty ID to turn off), Writes Texture info to application debug log. Refer to common/landed_titles/landed_titles.txt if you get stuck. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Does not include tribal capital holdings. Titles with cultural names can be hard to guess. Destroys a holding. The needed person doesn't show up in the list. Console commands are instructions to the game that players can use to cheat, experiment, or work around bugs. Console commands are instructions to the game that players can use to cheat, experiment, or work around bugs.. It makes handling the vassal limit unnecessarily tedious and slow.My advise: screw that rule, use console commands to transfer the title. The vassal you are trying to transfer has to be at peace and your direct vassal. For example b_paris. Reports or sets the holder of a title. If you don't use Ironman for your current game, you can open the console by typing any of the following: Rulers can only be vassals to a single higher-tier liege. Displays various dynasty statistics, including the number of unique dynasties and how many historical dynasties have died off. Toggles the ability to change laws freely, Shows the true fathers in the family tree, Toggles/sets the game paused state, argument must be lowercase, Displays the name and character id of the current holder of an offmap power, Sets the status of the specified offmap power (e.g. All rights reserved. There are five ranks or tiers of titles. can be found by using the Charinfo function and hovering over the person's name. Council must be empowered, other requirements are waived. It makes no sense because it applies to one type of titles and not to others, and you can still do it in a rounadbout way. Use, Switches to play a character (WARNING: This deletes and resets the chronicle of your current character each time you switch.). Title Name: For instance e_britannia. seems to be ignored, confirmation needed.

As you said your superdukes owned duchies in different de jure kingdoms, only his primary title is counted. Toggles Yesmen; the AI will accept all diplomatic offers from the user.

When I try to transfer his de-jure vassal to him, I simply can't. If you can't open the console, or need help using it, see our CK2 console help page.. To find character IDs, type the charinfo command into the console. Does not work ("Not today QA!").

Keep in mind that the console is not accessible in Ironman! If you don't use Ironman for your current game, you can open the console by typing any of the following: Below is a list of commands and any parameter they accept (in order, if more than one) with a description of what the command will do. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac & Linux developed & published by Paradox Interactive. The second I'm uncertain on because I almost never transfer titles outside of their de jure liege title, it just creates unnecessary wars between your vassals.

starts/joins/leaves a coalition against , Shows the ai scores of each council position. Dukes can only be transferred to their de jure lieges. For example, to add. Displays various game statistics, such as number of characters, plots, and fertility.

The file must be in the Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings 2/ folder (as appropriate for your OS). It is listed on with the usual mouse-over stats. But it only appears as his PRIMARY title. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the CrusaderKings community. When I check that duke\king, HE HAS NO NEGATIVE OPINION penalty because of that. Do I need to destroy the title of Aquitaine? NOTE: ANY COMMAND BEGINNING WITH "debug_" IS ACCESSIBLE ONLY BY DEVELOPERS—NOT BY PLAYERS. Replace spaces in parameter names with underscore (_). The proper way to do it is seize control of the duchy title somehow and then transfer the counts one by one, and then finally give the duchy title to the king (or destroy the duchy title if you want, the king may recreate it). Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Can someone please explain what governs whether I can transfer vassalage, and help me figure out how to get down below 38 vassals so I can raise non-demesne troops again?

Keep in mind that the console is not accessible in Ironman!., Give all artifacts to target character, or the player's character if no target is specified, Removes an artifact from the given character, destroying it, Modifies the base of a character's diplomacy, Modifies the base of a character's intrigue attribute, Modifies the base of a character's learning attribute, Modifies the base of a character's martial attribute, Modifies the base of a character's stewardship attribute, Gives the player currency with the specified offmap power. Executes script commands from a text file.

Takes a barony title (b_) or destroys the capital of a county title (c_), One character attempts to murder another. Valid society names are: monastic_order_benedictine, monastic_order_dominican, monastic_order_orthodox, monastic_order_nestorian, monastic_order_monophysite, monastic_order_hindu, monastic_order_buddhist, monastic_order_jain, hermetics, the_assassins, the_satanists, the_trollcrafters, the_cult_of_kali, the_cold_ones, the_plaguebringers, and secret_religious_society_, Logs any title that has no adjective loc key defined (E.G., if the title "k_title" is defined, but no loc "k_title_adj" is defined), Kills your character. This page was last edited on 26 August 2020, at 21:18. As said, it's a de jure issue. Triggers the enforce peace mechanic in the player's realm.

Sets the grandmaster of the society you're in to the given character, Shows all societies in list of society view, Adds society currency to the player (default 5000), Player's constructions are finished immediately.