Do I have a 36 volt or 48 volt golf cart? At a minimum, this process will eliminate low battery voltage as a potential issue. To get around this problem, specific chargers offer modes that keep your batteries charged even when you’re not using them. Learn more about the signs of a bad golf cart battery. A few other great FAQs are our Tires FAQ, Wheels & Lift Kit FAQ and our Lights FAQ.
So, unlike a trickle charger that charges non-stop, the Lester charger charges only when the batteries need a good charge. Check out our 36V vs. 48V Guide for more information. For example, if you have a 36V Club Car charger with the crowfoot plug, and you want to use that charger for another 36V EZ-GO golf cart that takes the "D-shaped" plug, you can remove the crowfoot plug and attach the D plug, no problem. ), they run on 220V, so you’ll need a battery charger rated for 100-230 VAC, 50-60 Hertz (Hz) input. humming, buzzing, heating up, lights coming on, etc. There are a couple of different variations to accomplish the same result so please don’t over complicate what is essentially a very simple task. It is possible the water taken on while playing submarine may have affected my OBC. Since the 1995, 48 volt Club Car's come with an OBC that regulates the batteries' charge. The ring terminals on the leads are universal and will fit on all batteries. Once these two criteria are met, the charger will do. Comparing the difference between products, brands and applications. the next step is to give Lester Electrical (the manufacturer) a call directly to troubleshoot. It depends. If your batteries are carrying a minimal load, and your charger will still not charge them, it may be because your golf cart’s onboard computer is confused about how much charge they are currently carrying. If you have a 36 volt system with 6 volt batteries, you’ll want to see readings of around 6.2 to 6.3 volts per battery (37.2 to 37.8 total volts). I have a 48 volt Club Car, I individually charged my batteries as described above, but the charger still doesn't work, what now? If you do not have a digital volt meter you can perform this test by attempting to run the vehicle. Check the battery voltage of the entire battery pack with a digital volt meter. The charger needs to be connected to battery voltage. Within 2-10 seconds of plugging the cord into the cart, you should see full battery voltage on the screen of your meter. ), Every golf cart battery charger is different with respect to indicator lights, but in general the red light is a fault light that indicates something is wrong with the charging process. The only other reason the relay will not click is if it is a bad relay (a failed "open coil"). Again, it depends on all of the above factors, so it really could vary quite a bit. To find out for sure whether your batteries are the culprit, you’ll need a, You may have a non-functioning OBC (onboard computer). Think about being at the gas pump and driving off with the pump still in the car. This is a VERY common question. Sounds like a good idea, right? When they first introduced this technology around 2011, if my memory serves me right, we stopped selling most all our other golf cart charger brands. Our manufacturer does not provide owner’s manuals. What power source is needed for golf cart chargers, 110/120V or 220V? Bad Batteries: IN GENERAL, if the charger doesn't kick on or show any signs of life when you plug it into your cart, this is most likely a battery/connection issue. Click through to our Battery Basics Tutorial and learn everything you need to know about batteries and charging.
Ok, I have only charged it twice since I put the new batteries in. If you have questions about your OBC and whether or not it’s functional, feel free to email us at Support@GolfCart Garage or give our experts a call at 800-401-2934 and we would be happy to help you! The Delta Volt charge technology utilized by the Eagle is in a league of its own. Please see above for charging dead batteries. Should I charge the golf cart after each use? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Please see our Lester Battery Charger Guide. If you do not have a Lester charger, you do not have the winter storage mode feature. Since the 1995, 48 volt Club Car's come with an OBC that regulates the batteries' charge. It will not come back on like the new Summit II battery chargers). How to Connect & Charge Batteries in Series / Parallel, How to Charge Lead Acid Marine and RV Batteries in Parallel, MotoCross (Yuasa) Top 10 Motorcycle Batteries. A battery watering system is automatic so it eliminates the need to manually fill your batteries, which can be super convenient! Since then I did some off roading and took where I shouldn't of. If you plug in your charger and it charges for too long or not long enough, then you may have a problem with the device’s computer. The OBC has a long term storage mode of sorts and will activate the charger every 15 days or so to keep the batteries charged. You can burn up your batteries if you do not charge with the proper voltage. So in short, the charger will not do anything without being connected to your golf cart. You must match volts to volts. Golf Cart Garage © 2020.
Again, please see our, If you're looking for a new charger you can shop online with, You can also check out some of our other great articles at our, If you still have questions, feel free to give us a call at. Do you sell used or refurbished chargers? If golf cart batteries are properly maintained they generally will last for around 5-6 years. when set up batts. This is simply an abbreviation for “On Board Computer” and is widely used when referring to the OnBoard Computer in your 48V Club Car (a much quicker way to get it down on paper rather than typing out the whole phrase). The upper left corner depicts the backside of the charge receptacle. by
Sat: 10:00am – 1:00pm, How to Troubleshoot Your Golf Cart Battery Charger, Choose Powertron for all Your Golf Cart Battery Needs, Here’s Why Sulfation Is Bad News for Your Battery. If you look closely at the relay you'll notice that there are four posts. Since the 1995, 48 volt Club Car's come with an OBC that regulates the batteries' charge. All Lester battery chargers (except for the 48V Club Car Charger) have the storage mode or battery healthy feature. That’s corrosion. A 48V cart requires a 48 volt golf cart charger. Does the OBC control any other parts of the Club Car besides regulating charge? How do I know if my Club Car OBC is working properly? Can I jump my golf cart batteries with jumper cables? Should the golf cart charger make noise while charging? Do all golf carts have OBC’s? My charger gets really hot and smells, is that normal? So you either can’t charge your batteries at all or you continuously charge and fry your batteries! If the vehicle has enough energy to make the solenoid switch "click" and attempt to run, it also has enough energy to engage the charger relay. The ring terminals on the leads are universal and will fit on all batteries. Yikes. I manually charged my batteries, that did not work, now what? How to Troubleshoot a Golf Cart Battery Charger. On the continuity setting, place each lead of your multimeter on each of the nuts where the black wires are bolted to the back of the receptacle. Generally the Power Wise / Power Drive chargers do not have storage modes. And several of these better golf cart charger options are less expensive and last longer! You can clearly see three sets of batteries each of which is 8 volts. Charging System Troubleshooting: (Charger Won't Turn On) *Use this troubleshooting guide to diagnose charging problems with 48 Volt Club Car vehicles. When you plug the DC Cord into the cart is there a delay before the charger turns on? Hours: to get them to start charging.
For the Lester chargers that we sell, we always suggest just leaving your charger plugged in all the time when you're not driving because the Lester battery charger will keep your batteries charged up if the voltage starts to drop. Yes. Club Car Controller Replacement. With the old batteries the charger would stay on till it timed out and I feel like it is still staying on for a long time with the brand new Trojan 8v batteries in. If you’re located in the US or Canada, your home is wired for 110-120 VAC, and as a result you’ll need to make sure that you choose a battery charger rated for 110-120 VAC, 60 Hertz (Hz) input. A base charge of 25-30 volts is usually sufficient to wake up your charger and begin charging. How do I know if my OBC is NOT working properly? If you don't, replace the fuse. Even if you are able to drive your golf cart and even if you just got brand new batteries, we'd suggest getting a 6V OR 12V CAR BATTERY CHARGER AND MANUALLY CHARGING UP THE GOLF CART BATTERIES FOR A COUPLE MINUTES EACH. So, you should charge your golf cart every night. Please see Charging Dead Golf Cart Batteries above. (Update: This charger also comes with the bypass wire as of March 2018.). Now look at battery number 6 in the lower left corner. When you plug in your charger to your cart it will fully charge the batteries. How do I know if my Club Car OBC is working properly? If you have a Club Car DS or Carryall vehicle you will have two fuses to check near the charger receptacle. Make sure every battery cable is correctly wired. That's it folks; you're done! Pro Charging Systems, also known as Dual Pro, is made here in the USA while Schauers roots date back to the early 1900’s. We now offer 6V, 8V & 12V Trojan Golf Cart Batteries. If I have a bad Club Car Onboard Computer, what are my options? Make sure that the batteries are … Sometimes there may even be an odor. 110-120 VAC, 60 Hertz (Hz) input. This might be the cause of toasting my old batteries.