You can sign in to vote the answer. My name is Charis Van Brimmer. There are not many professional genealogists in the Netherlands. Believing this measure to be temporary, many Dutch people gave surnames that translated to hilarious or obscene phrases and words. It is a patronymic name derived from ‘oom’ referring to ‘maternal uncle’ in Middle Dutch. According to the Family names database it’s a patronymic, but I don’t know which first name it would go with. what is the meaning of karouw in Dutch. I am wondering why someone from Germany would have the prefix Van. More than 5% of the people in the Netherlands had one of these ten last names. Zeeland had a lot of Huguenots settling there, so you may see more people with French features (short, dark hair, dark eyes) there than in the rest of the country. It is the Dutch word for ‘cheek.’ It was the last name originally denoted to someone with prominent, round or rosy cheeks. Messenger would be “bode,” not booij, although that could be a derivative. This Dutch Genealogy webinar gives you a great introduction to researching your Dutch ancestors. I want to thank you for the help you’re providing me Yvette, I really appreciate that and I really admire the work you are doing . If your last name is Karouw, it’s highly likely you’re both of German and Dutch ancestry. Most Dutch people I ask say the name may refer to someone from North-West Africa (Morocco etc.).
In 1811, when Napoleonic laws required everybody to have a hereditary surnames, many Frisians chose the surname De Vries. Hi Yvette, my name is Peter DeMoor (anglicised from the Dutch “de Moor”). van der Berg or de Jong into a family tree program. The names are for example Olivier de Mendez (French) and Marieke de Mooij (Dutch). I’m curious to know whether I can trace ancestry through the additional names of Storij and van Sorge. I found a Grift river on a map in the Netherlands. If both the name ‘Raalte’ and ‘Van Raalte’ occur in the same index, ‘Raalte’ comes first, followed by ‘Van Raalte’, in indices most often written as ‘Raalte, van’. You would have to research your family tree to find out where the name originates from. You can see how popular your name is in the Family Names Database of the Meertens Institute. It is a variant of the word ‘groot,’ which means ‘great’ or ‘large’ or ‘big’ in Dutch. Yvette Hoitink, CG® is a board-certified genealogist in the Netherlands. She has been doing genealogy for almost 30 years. The most common cases of this are van de, van der and van den, where the articles are all current or archaic forms of the article de "the". It is given to people who came from ‘Aaldenberg,’ a place of uncertain location. Velder could be Dutch or German. What’s your best guess of where my family name originates? It is derived from the Dutch word ‘Offer,’ which means a ‘donation’ or ‘offering.’ This Dutch surname was likely given to those who collected money in a church. The name Breda is a combination of the Dutch word ‘breed’ meaning ‘wide’ and ‘Aa’ the name of a river. 8), this name is derived from an occupation. after the death of the father. His grandfather and as far back as we know were ship pilots (harbour masters) in Vlissingen. A notable bearer of this surname was Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch microbiologist, who is often referred to as ‘The Father of Microbiology.’, It refers to people who belong to any of the various places named Lonan in The Netherlands. FEN Learning is part of Sandbox Networks, a digital learning company that operates education services and products for the 21st century. Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. It is an occupational surname likely used to refer to someone who works in a school. These names all mean “From the Mountain”. It means ‘from Andel’, a town in The Netherlands. Like Bakker (see nr. Prominent examples include "Vandenberg" and "Vanderbilt". I have not heard of this name before. This surname meant ‘bee’ in Middle German thus probably referring to someone ‘as busy as a bee.’. It translates to ‘bakehouse’ in Dutch and thus the surname refers to a ‘bakery.’ This Dutch surname likely refers to a baker or someone who worked at a bakery. Now I know from several sources that -wang and its alternate spelling -wong can mean a field, a marshy field or meadow (note: it can also mean cheek but that is not the case here). Though many Dutch names have a significant origin, others translate to rather hilarious terms. ‘Schrijn’ means ’box’ or ‘container.’. Just as "van" all these prepositions used to indicate geographical locations: Apart from these prepositions the prefix "de" (not a preposition but an article, meaning "the") is also very common. It was likely used to refer to people who came from the coastal village of Schoorlin The Netherlands. This name is a variation of the word ‘baard,’ which means ‘beard’ in Dutch. spelling: Merckx, Hendrickx, Declerq. is it of Dutch origin or elsewhere? maar onze Maijer familie is afkomstig van Oldeboorn, Friesland, ik heb trouwens ook de naamsannahme document van 1811…(Tresoar)..dus …??? For other uses, see, Prominent people with "van" in their surname. Ik ken niet elke familie in Nederland natuurlijk.
I am curious about my last name, VanSlyke. It denotes a person either from Asselt, a town in The Netherlands or Hasselt, a city in Belgium. ? Dutch last names starting with V Like Bakker (nr. It originates from the Dutch word ‘visser,’ which means ‘fisherman.’ ‘Visscher’ is an occupational Dutch last name. The French woord “Beau” does mean “Mooi” in Dutch, so that’s a possibility. It originates from a city of the same name in The Netherlands. I would also like to know whether or not ‘Velder’ is of Dutch genealogy and how all this compares to German titles. Jansen is the Dutch equivalent of Johnson. My Grandfathers name was Everett Van Kuiken and my mom told me that a lot of Dutch people do not have middle names, is that true? Around 1800 Virginia I have an ancestor named van der Grift. It was often the case that when a Dutch immigrant came to the United States, or other non-Dutch speaking countries, these prefixes would become lumped into the surname. While Rembrandt was actually born close to the Rhine, he merely inherited the name from his father who already carried it. The English pronunciation of Brimmer is closer to the Dutch Bremer. The name is Therwanger. It is the Dutch word for ‘school’ meaning the same as English.