Relive your childhood with this fun point-and-click adventure and try to defeat classic Goosebumps monsters. This will end the game and unlock the following trophies: Select HAUNTED CAMERA from inventory and use it on the old lady [, Talk to the old lady and choose dialogue "No way", Select PURPLE STUFF from the inventory and use it on the glass she is holding, Examine the completed portrait to reveal a hidden safe, Select STUDY KEY from the inventory and use it on the locked study room to open it, Examine the chessboard in the middle of the floor and choose "play", Select KNIGHT CHESS PIECE from the inventory and place it on the black spot in the middle of the chess board, Select ROOK CHESS PIECE from the inventory and place it on the black spot on the top row of the board, Select QUEEN CHESS PEICE from the inventory and place it on the black spot on the left of the board, Grab the MUSIC PLAYER from the newly opened drawer, Use the Sink and Shower to fog up the mirror and then turn them off, Examine the drawer and grab the HAND MIRROR, Open the cupboard under the sink to reveal the laundry shoot, Select TOY DINO from the inventory and throw it down the laundry shoot, Examine the pile of toys to get the Annihilator to attack you, Select MUSIC PLAYER from inventory and use on the Annihilator [, Open the dresser on the left side of the room and grab FILM [, Open the closet on the right to reveal a portal, Examine the pile of toys in the middle of the room, Select HAUNTED CAMERA from the inventory and use it on the Annihilator [, Select DISH SOAP from the inventory and use it on the Annihilator, Select SCREWDRIVER from the inventory and use it on the back of the Annihilator, Grab BATTERIES from the exposed back of the robot, Select BATTERIES from the inventory and use them on the MUSIC PLAYER, Select CASSETTE TAPE from the inventory and use them on the MUSIC PLAYER, Select MUSIC PLAYER from the inventory and use it on the remaining ghost, Choose to "Taste" the SALIVA dripping from the gargoyle [, Open the closet door on the right side to reveal the final portal, Select CONTAINER and use it on the gargoyle's SALIVA, Select SCREWDRIVER from the inventory and use it on the pipes on the right, Select DETERGENT in the inventory and use it on the monster blood [, Select HAUNTED CAMERA from the inventory and use it on the monster blood [, Select STEPLADDER from the inventory and place it in the empty space, Select HAND MIRROR in the inventory and use it on the mirror in the attic, Grab GOOSEBUMPS BOOK from the frame of the mirror, Talk with your brother and select dialogue "Ask about Chad", Open the trunk at the foot of the bed and obtain the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, Examine the laundry basket and obtain the HAUNTED MASK, Examine the washer on right of the room and open it, Select CLOTHES from the inventory and place in the washer, Select DETERGENT from the inventory and place in the washer, Speak with Chad and select dialogue "Let's go", Select TRUCK from inventory and use it on the werewolf [, Select HAUNTED CAMERA from the inventory and use it on the werewolf [, Select SHRUNKEN HEAD from the inventory and use it on the werewolf, Select SPADE from the inventory and use it on the uneven ground, Examine the hole on the right and select "jump in" [, Speak with Chad and choose dialogue "Let's go", Select KEYCARD from the inventory and use it on the card reader, Wait for the guard to leave the screen (this will take a few seconds) before selecting, Grab MASSAGE OIL from the front of the massage table, Select the HAUNTED MASK from the inventory and choose "Wear", Select the HAUNTED MASK from the inventory and choose "Wear" again, Select face lifter on the left and select "Use", Examine the junk of the table and choose "Monitors" and then "Examine", Grab all 5 items on the desk to reveal the fountain control, Use the fountain control to turn off the fountain (and the lights!!!! Save your game and then quit to the main menu. Status He takes some of its saliva in a water gun, and he tests it on a tree, and it works, but he uses the saliva on his sister, turning her into a statue. The saliva can also bring stone beings back to life. ", the fourth short story from Even More Tales to Give You Goosebumps. Drop other items from the inventory into the shoot to yield the remaining items.
Select TONGS from the inventory and take the PHOTO PAPER out of the developer, Select TONGS from the inventory and place the PHOTO PAPER in the centre tub and leave for 60 seconds, Select TONGS from the inventory and take the PHOTO PAPER out of the tub, Select TONGS from the inventory and place the PHOTO PAPER in the rightmost tub for 60 seconds, Select TONGS from the inventory and remove the PHOTO PAPER from the tub, Select TONGS from the inventory and place the PHOTO PAPER in the sink, Select TONGS from the inventory and remove the WET PHOTO from the sink, Select WET PHOTO from the inventory and use it on the clothesline, Select the WET PHOTO from the clothesline and choose "Wait", Grab the WET PHOTO (an image of a red haired boy should appear), Select this photo and use it on the FRAME in the inventory to make a PORTRAIT, Open the door in the back right that leads to the backyard, Talk to the old lady sitting at the end of the table, Select PURPLE STUFF from the inventory and use on the glass she is holding, Select PORTRAIT from the inventory and use it on the blank space above the headless portrait, Examine the placed portrait and choose open to reveal a hidden safe, Grab the KNIGHT CHESS PIECE from the safe, Use the sink on left and the faucet on the right so they both turn on. Alive The player must collect some of its saliva in a container, and use it to turn the Monster Blood into stone to stop the attic from shrinking.
Use the container on the saliva. Goosebumps. It has wings, granting it the ability to fly. We already have the HAUNTED MASK so the remaining items will be the BEANBAG, PUZZLE CUBE, DOLL, TOY PLANE and the BABY MONITOR. Goosebumps HorrorTown (mentioned)
Gargoyle Reload your save and this will cause three ghost children to appear in the foyer. General information
After Adam discovered the liquid he used it on his annoying brat sister and used her to get a good grade in his art project. Evil in the book Even More Tales to Give You Goosebumps. Go to the master bed room and look out the window there you'll find a gargoyle. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The Gargoyle's drool contains the power to turn whatever comes in contact with it to stone. Pay particular attention to what Cronby is describing and an item in the inventory should match that description, Open the chest and take the STORE KEY from it, Select COINS from from the inventory and use them on the coin slot to play the game, Take Skee balls from the chute at the bottom, Use the Skee balls on the lanes starting from one side and moving to the other.