Am i just wrong and i have a full fledged female? I like to send you a pic for your opinion.

These hermie seeds tend to produce true hermies. This grower didn’t notice that the buds had been seeded until harvest. To share your Growlog: In the Grow with Jane app, select your Plant Tap on the Tree icon and select Share Copy the link and send it to me by email to I hope this helps! This was all until I figured out the airflow etc…. Just kill those plants if you are not planning on producing seeds or harvesting pollen from males. Female plants grow seeds because they receive pollen grains in their female organs, but cannot produce pollen on their own as they lack pollen sacs. There are a few different ways to feminize seeds, but some choose to encourage a female plant to become hermaphroditic. Grow with Jane, the app for cannabis home growing. I would not give these seeds away, but just for myself, I would be confident that my own female seeds would be good to grow. I am seeing small balls on several locations. Now you can easily identify male or female Cannabis plants, even two types of hermaphrodites. Cheers! Dioecious means each individual (plant) has either male or female reproductive organs. Thanks for reading and commenting! Or you can change the photoperiod before detecting pre-flowers. The situation becomes a bit more challenging if your plants are already in the middle of their flowering stage. I see no signs of male traits anywhere(bananas or pollen sacs..or seeds)…yet I never saw signs of male parts on the mystery either….as a first time grower, I have been spending LOTS of time examining the plants. Apparently somehow the mystery strain while it showed 100% female traits, large nice buds, great smell and taste…and the effects where pretty good; it produced seeds!

A viable seed looks brown with some stripes, hard to the touch and dry. Is this true?

It’s better to be on the safe side, but don’t sleep on it! Sadly, that’s true.

Hi! Hi Juan! ... After pollination, the female marijuana plant produces seeds. That is because pollen-producing parts of male marijuana plants require around 10 days for the pollen to be viable. Perhaps the most frequently asked questions about cannabis home growing is how to identify male or female plants and how to tell the difference. I have to admit I may be biased towards feminized seeds.

Hello Kris! Take that female and force it to hermie (ussually chemically). Is this true? The pollen from a hermie plant makes feminized seeds, The pollen sacs on this masculinized female plant have opened and pollen has spilled onto the leaf below. Examine your plant closely!

Kill all male and hermies plants ASAP, unless you’re planning on producing seeds. Love your site.

As such, you should not stake or prune your plants while they are in the flowering stage. Some‌ ‌factors‌ ‌that‌ ‌lead‌ ‌to‌ ‌hermaphroditism‌ ‌are‌ plant‌ ‌stress,‌ ‌high‌ ‌temperatures,‌ ‌nutrient‌ ‌deficiencies,‌ ‌root‌ ‌rot,‌ ‌light‌ ‌leakage‌ ‌in‌ ‌dark‌ ‌periods and, finally ‌bad‌ ‌genetics.‌ Avoid these for a better chance to get female plants from your photoperiodic (or unknown) seeds.


Just wondering how long I should wait before seeing white hairs? But it can sometimes be hard to tell.

If you leave the plant alone, it is likely to self-pollinate. Every plant grown from feminized seeds will produce the buds we know and love. Other friends came home saying I’m still need to kill it because it would pollinated hypothetical plants that people around me would have. Thanks for reading and commenting! Cannabis pollen is transported via wind, airborne Cannabis pollen may travel up to 5 km around just to find a suitable female flower to pollinate.

What bugs or pests leave holes in cannabis leaves?

What’s most important, whether you get feminized seeds or not, is to get your seeds from a breeder who has a reputation for producing quality genetics. Unfortunately, the color of the seeds does not tell you anything about its gender or strain. If your plant is already flowering, make sure to stick to a nutrient schedule for flowering. I haven’t run into any significant problems with hermies, so I’m satisfied with growing only bud-bearing plants. Ideally, you should put a plastic bag over the top of your hermie, taping the bottom to the pot. Tip: Preflowers are sometimes confused with stipules, which are small, modified pointy leaves that grow near the preflowers. There’s no problem with moving around those pots as long as the plants receive enough sunlight and are not damaged. Question: at what point in the growth cycle can the females be pollinated? What are the chances the other two plants that entered WEEKS later into flower also turn out to be hermies? A hermaphrodite plant will be introduced to a crop of female cannabis plants while using hormones and other chemicals.

How to tell if your plant is male or female?

I’ve had very pale, flimsy seeds sprout into gorgeous fast-growing plants, so if you’re not sure the best thing to do is try to germinate it!

If your plant is a female plant that has been pollinated by a male or hermie plant it will produce seeds along with the buds. Sorry for de delayed response! I think if something is forced to herm, that doesn't make it hermie prone.

What’s the Best Cannabis Seed Bank in America? This causes seedy buds just like pollen from male plants.

Some marijuana strains have a higher susceptibility to becoming hermaphrodites.