(These links will automatically appear in your email.).  −  BY Guest Author ON December 18, 2014, UPDATED ON April 14, 2015, IN Admissions Essay, College Admissions, Guest Post, High School Life, SAT Guest Post. Instead, discuss the values you gained through your religion. How?

You can have other positions on this issue, but still this sample can be helpful to you. ACT® is a registered trademark of the ACT, Inc.®. Instantly find great topics for your essay. This post was written by a friend of Magoosh. The essay cherrypicks the parts of religion that are easy to attack Yes, it does.

If we were to erase religion from existence those 6.9 billion people would have a very crucial part of their life gone. help@magoosh.com, Facebook If you are a Premium Magoosh student and would like more personalized service, you can use the Help tab on the Magoosh dashboard. Favorite Quote:The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. Modern society presents an image of the secular age. This religion essay is devoted to a rather sensitive issue – the issue of religion itself.

Religion is good for the world.  =  The fact is that we want you to come back to us again – that’s why we provide you only with quality papers. Because you are creative and original and you have something important to communicate. Religion promotes peace and that’s another reason why religion is good for the world. At the same time, you can see how to structure such essays. Stay curious about his/her feedback to you.

Levering, M. Paul in the Summa theologiae. About Us So, is religion a force for good? We try to make TeenInk.com the best site it can be, and we take your feedback very seriously. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know.

Favorite Quote:“The dye has been cast.

Ethan Sawyer, the College Essay Guy, has been helping students tell their stories for more than ten years. Use our writing help if you don’t want to write your paper on your own. Examples: “Getting used to wearing a turban in ninth grade helped increase my self-confidence and, interestingly, my grades went up that year!” (or) “Feeling judged by my youth group leader helped me better understand how my friend must have been feeling about me; I realized I was essentially doing the same thing to her.”. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2014, pp.

My face is set, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, my mission clear. The College Board® does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this web site. Be that as it may, it comes to be evident that the world, in general, represents a depiction of many global religions that in turn have multitudes of beliefs. * CAPTCHA * The concept of love could not replace the term of religion itself; still, while it presents its key concept, one should refer to the subjective definition of its “good” or “harmful” influence. I have stepped over the line. The SAT Test: Everything You Need to Know, The ACT Test: Everything You Need to Know, The Mathematical Mean vs. Average Speed on ACT Math, Personal Finance for College-Bound Students, How High School Does and Doesn’t Prepare You For the SAT. Step 4: Listen with your entire being. Hereby, the love in terms of Plato’s interpretation appears to be the most common understanding in every religion (Leeuw 1986). I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

At the same time, if one was to refer to the interpretation of spirituality in terms of ethics, one would definitely call it a virtue, and doing something virtuous has never brought what is considered “harm.”. Indeed, the fact that modern society lives in a secular age, where all of the classical religious values seem to be desacralized, the need for spirituality still remains to be apparent. Globalization Presentation: Is It Good or Bad for Mankind? Religion can give hope, peace, a sense of something bigger than we are. Once s/he has read the essay, ask the person: do you feel closer to me after having read that? We must admit that our writers are the best on the market, as they do everything possible to satisfy customers’ needs.

Still, while it does not appear to be entirely possible to replace the notion of religion with the term of love, which merely presents every religion’s central concept; there is the need to consider which exact type of love religions foresee. All writers from our team have acquired degrees and experience in academic writing. A world without religion, a world without something to look forward to, is a world that most people wouldn’t want to be apart of” (Debate.org). Religion is good for the world. Religion can unite us like no other system on the face of the earth.

We would be oppressing the people and we would force all of those people who practice a religion to assimilate Also, the world would be better off without a lot of things that we have today, but that does not mean we should try to get rid of it. Wouldn't the world be better off if it weren't for religion?” If we were to remove religion from the world it would not bring peace, it would only bring chaos. For example, on Chabad.org, an anonymous person stated, “Religion is the cause of all wars, and I believe we would be closer to world peace without it. 509-514. Accessed 17 Feb 2019. display: inline; Still, it does find its evident reflection nowadays.

Accordingly, when attempting to give a specific answer to the question of whether religion brings more harm than good, one could also substitute the notions in the question, by asking whether love is doing more harm than good. Here’s what I mean: In the past, I’ve had students write essay drafts that end with something like, “Since accepting Christ (or) learning to meditate (or) converting to Judaism, I’ve made it my goal to tell others about the difference that Christ/meditation/Judaism can make in their lives.” I call this the “missionary” essay. For lack of having read the Bible or studied it for themselves, people were misled into believing what others had told them it said - a situation which has ironically become descriptive of today's critics who claim to be the most outraged by the atrocities of those ancient times.”  It wasn’t religions fault, it was the people's fault.   YouTube. In addition, even if religion causes conflict in some parts of the world, it typically does more good than bad. .hide-if-no-js { The decision has been made. And it can be off-putting to readers, particularly to those who don’t share your religious beliefs (which, statistically speaking, is likely). But there can be beauty in pain; Even though sometimes it’s hard to see. According to Pew Research Center, about 6.9 billion people or 84% of the world practices a religion. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future secure. The article states, “ At this time Christianity was in a sad state. I don’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded. If one was to attempt to answer the question with certainty, it must come apparent that there would be a need to analyze each end every religion along with all the possible considerations of the meaning of the terms “harm” and “good.” Yet, there is a need to define one fact: all world religions are built on the model of spirituality which in turn bases itself on the main concept of every religion, which is the concept of “love.” By understanding the notion of love as the central concept of all world religions, it also comes to be evident that many forms of such love appear to be in turn foreseen (Levering 2014). display: none !important; We hope that you can benefit from reading it through. Does Religion Bring More Harm or Good for Modern Society?

Examples: “Playing in the band at church helped me learn the value of working with others” (seen it!) Religion can unite us like no other system on the face of the earth. The ACT Inc.® does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this web site.

Religion is good for the world because even if people share different religious views, those religious views help people keep their morals in tact and will help them lead a life of doing more good than bad. Princeton University Press, 1986, pp.

Get an essay like this only for $16.70/page. Modern society presents an image of the secular age. He’s also a certified Myers-Briggs® specialist and his type (ENFJ) will tell you that he will show up on time, he’ll be excited to meet you, and, more than anything, he’s committed to–and an expert in–helping you realize your potential. And anyone, no matter the religion or belief system, can get on board with those. Obvious connections lead to boring essays. There are social functions also performed by religion which extend because religion generates greater good for society in form of promoting social virtues like trust worthy, honesty, integrity, brotherhood, welfare for all, etc (Sunil, 2014). To continue, throughout history there has been many unjust acts and many people think that these events were ‘caused’ because of religion. (x + 1)(x2 + nx + 1) = x3 + 3×2 + 3x + 1. What is the value of n? Don’t hesitate to use our service right now! Does Religion Bring More Harm or Good for Modern Society? Step 3: Get feedback from someone who does not share your religious belief.

Ever since events like The Inquisition, which was an organization in the Roman Catholic Church that was responsible for finding and punishing people who did not accept its beliefs and practices, and The Crusades, which was a military expedition that were organized by Western Christians, people have come to the conclusion that all major mass deaths were caused because of religion. I’m done with low living, sight walking, small planning, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living and dwarfed goals: I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, positions, promotions, or popularity.

.disclaimer::before { Instead, the Church was solely concerned with outward ceremony and human traditions. For instance, the world would be better off without skin color because everyone would be viewed the same but if the world was like that it would take away part of our uniqueness, it would take away part of you. On that same note, it is human nature that brings the worst out of religion not the foundations of religion itself. Step 2: Make sure the values you’re discussing are non-obvious and specific. Thanks! Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk.com, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password.

Firstly, A lot of people believe that the world would be better off without religion and that religion is the main cause of evil on this planet. It is the path to academic salvation, because you will receive a paper from a professional writer who is knowledgeable in your topic.