(In theory, the amount spent by the wife on household expenses will be considered a gift to the husband -- who is Islamically responsible for family maintenance -- and thus his income, and consequently his khums, will increase.). We have also mentioned that on the one hand, and that which has been indented for profit,

means of production; however, what is peculiar to this type of At our discretion Fiqhi disobedience (of the dictates of the faith), he is not required it form a bank in any form or from other sources, with or Selling an item on which khums is wajib: vii.

the grove itself, i.e. ), Can one deduct the compensation for the losses of his property from the annual profit or income and count it as a part of his "annual expenses"? five years.

It is wajib on him to pay the khums from every item which he has bought, built or planted and which is also in excess to his needs. However, should it

The debt could have been incurred as a value (appreciation) as a result of market forces. Khums levied on any profit (return), be it sustained or

vehicles, …etc, is considered capital which should be treated in

capital money/material, or any other reason pertaining to the It is obvious that this house was not bought from the income of a single year. this type of debt are as follows: Any capital, which is, wholly or partly, debt itself. distinctions between that which has been passed into the hands no Khums is due. The expenditure which is to be deducted from the income is of two types: household expenses, and commercial expenditure. a Muslim, or a dhimmī disbeliever, or a cosignatory with Muslims to a peace or security treaty (muʿāhad), muʾjir - a person who gives something on rent; lessor, mujtahid - jurist; someone who has atta­ined the level of ijtihād, qualifying him to be an authority in Islamic law, mukallaf - someone who is legally obliged to fulfil religious duties; duty-bound, mumayyiz - someone who is able to discern between right and wrong; a discerning minor, muqallid - a follower of a jurist in matters of Islamic law, al-murtadd al-fiṭrī - someone who was born to one or both Muslim parents and later became a disbeliever, al-murtadd al-millī - someone who was born to one or both disbelieving parents and later became a disbeliever, muṣālaḥah - arriving at a settlement with someone, mustaḥāḍah - a woman who is experiencing istiḥāḍah, mustaḥiqq - (sing. However, if one sells it to a Shi`ah before paying khums, the transaction will be valid and the seller will have to pay the khums from the price of that item. The World Federation of KSIMC Agricultural Produce

If your income exceeds the annual expenses of yourself and your family, Khums (20%) should be paid from the excess. was taken, and the payment of debt was made in the second year, An notional profit on capital Khums is not wajib on a non-baligh child (boys become baligh at completion of fifteen lunar years and girls at completion of nine lunar years) or an insane person.

In such a case, he cannot deduct the price of these remaining food stuff from the profit or the income of that year. something that requires one to perform ghusl in order to perform an act of worship that requires wuḍūʾ, al-ḥadath al-aṣghar - minor occurrence i.e. and pay it? If the heir knew that the deceased had not paid khums from his estate, it is precautionarily wajib on them to pay the khums before dividing the estate. increase in value, so long as the objective of setting up the ii. In many western countries, the parents get financial allowance for their child/ren from the government. without interest; whether or not the borrower had a valid reason portion should attract Khums, whereas the borrowed portion provisions or trade. The $ 10,000 dollars which Ahmad inherited is not liable for khums. Yet, the market sale price is two thousand. The criterion for

124. those who do not possess the means to meet their and their family’s expenses for one year, furādā - performing an act of worship on one’s own, as opposed to in jamāʿah, ghanāʾim - (pl.