The quality of the data and its interest to emergency medicine physicians. There is no limit to the number of awards or the number of times an award can be given to a scholar. We would like to invite submissions of abstracts for poster and/or oral presentations to showcase current research in palliative care from master’s research or quality improvement/audit projects (no more than 300 words). The judges give particular credit for either original research or essays that present innovative views and careful presentation of structured arguments, especially in support of a point of view that is original or challenges conventional thinking. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a blood-borne virus. The aim of this prize is to recognise and promote educational initiatives in Emergency Departments.
Candidates are invited to submit a clinical or research abstract of no more than 250 words on original work in dental science completed in a UK institution during the preceding five years. The winning entry MUST be presented at the Pain Relief Foundation. Essays should be no longer than 1000 words. Winners will be selected by the Education Directorate for Medic Mentor-this is the executive committee of doctors, dentists and vets under the leadership of Medic Mentor President, who manage the scholarship programme. Training Orthopaedic Trainers Course (TOTs), Virtual Training Orthopaedic Trainers Course (V-TOTs), Training Orthopaedic Educational Supervisors (TOES), BOA Bootcamp - enhanced induction for ST3/4, Virtual Training Orthopaedic Educational Supervisors (V-TOES), The Role of the Orthopaedic Technician/Casting Room Nurse, Appointment of National Casting Training Advisor, BOA Travelling Fellowships - Applications Now Closed, EFORT Travelling Fellowship 2020 - Applications Now Closed, American-British-Canadian (ABC) Travelling Fellowship - Applications Now Closed, Austria, Switzerland and Germany (ASG) Travelling Fellowship - Applications Now Closed, FORTE Summer School - Applications Now Closed, BOA Trauma and Orthopaedic Undergraduate Syllabus, Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN), Trauma & Orthopaedic Registries Unifying Structure (TORUS), BOA Orthopaedic Surgery Research Centre (BOSRC), Surgical Specialty Leads for Clinical Trials, Joint Action: The Orthopaedic Research Appeal of the BOA, BOA Standards for Trauma and Orthopaedics (BOASTs), Getting It Right in Orthopaedics: A follow-up on the GIRFT national specialty report on orthopaedics. Candidates will be expected to present their work at the 'AGM Presidential prize meeting and state of the art lecture'. £100 will be awarded to the best three applications. This is a national essay competition, open to all UK medical, dental and veterinary schools, and which will run bi-annually.