�@^�� � �. 3 0 obj endobj 0 endobj Your email address will not be published. x Wdth(mtr.) 4 0 obj (mm)×length(m)×0.00617• E.g: Φ20mm (dia. MS SQUARE WEIGHT (KGS ) = WIDTH X WIDTH X 0.00000785 X LENGTH. 142 0 obj <>stream �?�"k�����#�=0���.-&��]~xI^�X��07awۋ�reP�NH�T&h�(�0n@��A��ɂ[��G �tXx�㐻k�ߥg�u��h�ߊИ5��1�̭,4Ĥ�oJki�������g1y�0�)��]�Ʃ�����G�ִ"[A�V�pM��ʘ� endstream Example : A Square of size 25mm and length 1 metre then the weight shall be.
Example - Weight of Steel Plate. �Bp�J�,��ّhC{uA݂� �4�k������lׄ�[q~Xo�ϝ 25x25X 0.00000785 X 1000mm = 4.90 kgs/metre MS ROUND WEIGHT (KGS ) = 3.14 X 0.00000785 X ((diameter / 2)X( diameter / 2)) X LENGTH. Online metal weight calculator which helps to calculate the weight of Steel Plate metal.
118 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1DAB5648A5455F4B80206E7310AA1A92><71DFF67E8B933D4FA7413C46E6ADF4D7>]/Index[95 48]/Info 94 0 R/Length 107/Prev 702145/Root 96 0 R/Size 143/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream (mm)×length(m)×0.00668, • Formula: dia.(mm)×dia. (mm) x 0.02466=Kg.PerMtr.
per Sq. ON�;0.M֗��{&:=&T�[� 8��hD�Ⱦ����q0s����ESF�˃����,+��ۜ��P�Ax��ɜH�*8��w��\IǴQ���W���%+P��z!W�@���G˕s&��"�3u�@r��W���ޖ��gh��h��0�����H�ԟĉTzvjӣ�;�Ld0�8^[�\�ޞm{yz@Z. endobj If you’re working in the metalworking industry, even you’re engineers, you will try to find one calculator to help you calculate the weight of various metals and steels including ms plate, gi sheet, structural steel, ms angle, mild steel, steel bar, square tube, angle, aluminum etc. If you want to know the difference between H beam steel and I beam steel as well as the methods to calculate the weight of H beam steel and I beam steel, you will get the answers from the following two quick links: If you want to get the weight of various metals from the chart, you can refer to the following page: • Formula: length(m)×width(m)×thickness(mm)×7.85• E.g: 6m (length)×1.51m(width)×9.75mm (thickness)• Calculation: 6×1.51×9.75×7.85=693.43kg, • Formula: (OD-wall thickness)×wall thickness(mm)×length(m)×0.02466• E.g: 114mm(OD)×4mm(wall thickness)×6m(length)• Calculation: (114-4)×4×6×0.02466=65.102kg, • Formula: dia.(mm)×dia.
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per Sq.
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However, sometimes you may want to learn the weight calculation formula and keep it in your mind, here is it: In order to help you quickly find the metal weight formula, I made infographic which is not only practical but also beautiful. feet of hot rolled mild steel plates can be calculated as. MS Plate Weight Chart in Kg This plate weight chart apply exclusively to mild steel. "w��3�cJ�K�M9��LkU�"|{��uuT��4�[Ǿ]�U�l��N�{S��}�:�nfbdȾ�H;ԇ���ԦR��B���m�D�I���]]�8[�fU��s&^�Gna.�6��E� ����-*��NJ� �K %%EOF
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Per Mtr. 20*5 0.241 0.790 20*6 0.287 0.942 25*3 0.183 0.600 25*5 0.305 1.000 25*6 0.365 1.197 25*8 0.470 1.550 25*10 0.609 1.998 25*12 0.731 2.398 32*3 0.243 0.798 32*5 0.395 1.296 32*6 0.457 1.499 32*8 0.671 2.202 32*10 0.854 2.802 32*12 1.005 3.297 32*16 1.342 4.403 x Thk(mm) x 7.85=Kg Per Sheet Weight Calculation: Extra weight of chequers length (m) x width (m) x 2.1 = kg/plate
/ m. Length in Meter / Ton.
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'�0�C �y�b���*�,��[p/���]� �x?=��p;9�e��D�]K�ﯞ����. Wt. ��%������a8T�6��;� h>�7��e��I�yA@*ë�?�M��2Rƌh�g$ ��1{Y߱���̦�\g3�5oRvu�nYZ^��p�Č(`� ��M��������SV�n�e�yU 1 0 obj 6 8 10 12 16 20 22 25 28 32 36 40 50 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 1.578 2.466 2.980 3.854 4.830 6.313 7.990 9.864 15.410 4510 2532 1621 1125 633 405 336 260 207 159 125 101 65 ... M. S. PLATES Thickness in mm Wt. (mm)×length(m)×0.00698, • Formula: dia.(mm)×dia. .İ�}�kye���(�l��Ȭa����y���}��F�m �߰`�������ҵ5���! Per Feet Weight in Kgs. Steel Plate Weight Calculation Material Alloy Steel Aluminum Beryllium Brass Bronze Cast Iron Columbium Copper Copper Alloys Gold Lead Magnesium Molybdenum Nickel Plastic Silver Stainless Steel Tantalum Titanium Tungsten Zinc Zirconium
FT. in Kg.
x��Zmo�� ��� 5 0 obj Required fields are marked *, Copyright © 2020 MachineMfg | All Rights Reserved | Terms & Conditions. P.S: Among all of the metal weight calculation formula in the following part, there are two kinds of metals that are not mentioned, which are I beam steel and H beam steel.