I think she's the best sort of inspiring, understated but highly knowledgeable and effective. Do i have a moral obligation to tell people I can't deliver their bacon sandwiches? head. However, unfortunately, there have been quite a lot of talk about this as an possible issue with social life at the school in different chats so just wanted to know from may be somebody with children there. This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 9 messages.). I think it was looser than City Boys where they wear suits but sixth form is a stepping stone to university and the point at which pupils become students so should be allowed to wear what the hell the like. How do you relax when you have 10 minutes to spare? I live locally and say that the school predominately is made up of local girls mainly from the Hampstead area with a handful traveling in from further distances. That is too much and completely unnecessary for uni applications.It is difficult to change schools for 6th form, regardless of which school she chooses. I do think this might just be other people's overreactions and I don't think she should be stressing too much about it... Highgate is a fantastic school and not at all traditional in the way that you describe. Any comments about the schools? Can anyone with DD's in South Hampstead High School advise about this school? She really shouldn’t do 4 A levels and the EPQ. DSS has announced a Christmas list after we've already finished shopping. How do you relax when you have 10 minutes to spare? DD is in Y10 and considering the same sixth forms. If I had to choose between two pretty similar jobs, but one was walking distance and one was an hour commute (I'm doubling it as that's what it will feel like to a 7-year-old as their sense of time is so different to ours), then I know which one I'd choose.I don't know anyone with daughters at both to compare directly. She went in to see shhs (full day with other girls and in lessons). Any thoughts would be most appreciated! To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet.

What did you decide OP? My experience is both as a parent and teacher of many years standing. I am very proud of her and I know we are very lucky to be able to have this choice but we are all quite unsure about what way to go as we don't have any personal relationships to the schools.We agree that SHHS is brilliant and DD is very pleased to be able to do 4 subjects and an EPQ there, however, she is also upset that there are no boys - does anyone know if the girls get any contact with boys from other schools? That comment is quite open to misinterpretation... Zinnia what do you mean? This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 10 messages.). Hi, so my DD has been accepted into South Hampstead, UCS and Highgate from her 16+. I asked why she'd moved from City and she didn't know, said something about it being more local. Hi, thanks for the input hothouseorflophouse!I am on the fence with what advice to give to my DD as she is equally as split. From what I know and it's not the full story, it was definitely to do with pastoral issues and wanting to be more local. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. We certainly benefited from it being marginally easier! According to the most ISI report dated 2015 it says about 1/3 are of Jewish Faith. Access a Mumsnet exclusive GCSE survival revision bundle from Your Favourite Teacher This is a Premium feature To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads , and support Mumsnet. We live within a walking distance from SHHS; however, we are close to tube and the commute to the City School for Girls would be a matter of 30 mins, alternatively we can use the school coach to send her to City.I understand there are quite a few of you living around Hampstead who were faced with the same dilemma and I am wondering:1.

Trump thread #109 Election Part 3 and off he goes with a trumpety trump? If you chose City, what factors justified the journey for you.Thank you so very much! DSS has announced a Christmas list after we've already finished shopping. The report is available on SHHS's website. Do i have a moral obligation to tell people I can't deliver their bacon sandwiches? "Talk" is not always well-informed. Hampstead schools : SHHS, UCS, Highgate etc... Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. How do you relax when you have 10 minutes to spare? I understand the reasons for them moving range from going for the gentler approach and better pastoral care at SHHS while still being a school that gets top grades (well over 90% of all grades a and a star at GCSE each year) to wanting a more local school and more locally based friends. Congrats to your DD on her offers and deciding on UCS. AIBU. DD will shortly sit her exam. We liked the fact that the sixth former who we chatted to at UCS was wearing jeans and a really horrible hoodie. Dear Mumsnet community,I will be very grateful for your comments on our dilemma. Even though it’s just 30 mins to City there is navigating public transport at rush hour every day - and the fact that many friends will live on the other side of London. She has been asking around about the two schools and she's getting slightly worried as she's heard that quite a lot of girls in shhs are unhappy and she's heard the girls in ucs described as 'bitchy'. Thanks. I know it is academically excellent but I am mainly concerned to hear about how nurturing it is .Is it inclusive with girls coming from non-Jewish family? The opposite of Boris Johnson, which can only be a good thing...I get the sense that with a good head in place and the work being completed, it's a good time for SHHS and it is becoming increasingly hard to get into. Is there anything that you wish you had considered? I think when they joined City in the junior school, SHHS may have been between head teachers so perhaps at the time it was more of an unknown - but I think the current head at SHHS is quite inspiring.

This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 7 messages.). AIBU. This not an issue at all at SHHS, there is zero gettoism and no dominant groups unlike in some other schools I also know. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. No idea about what they expect from the essay assessment! To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet.