The most common propagation method is to grow neem trees from seed. The more, the better.
GROWTH. Flowers – Neem tree is widely appreciated for its sweet aroma, which honeybees love.
You can expect to harvest your first neem fruit after three to five years. If leaves start to wilt in dry climates, spritz them with water or very dilute fish emulsion.
Home | Site Map | Privacy Policy | TOS | About | Contact Me, Copyright © 2007-var d=new Date() Longer exposure to cold weather can cause permanent damage or kill a neem tree. It tolerates a wide range of conditions and neem is growing in many countries and regions of the world. An ample supply of water is good when growing neem trees, but the tree can make do with very little. It needs and positively thrives in hot weather, but it can handle the occasional cold spell.
Read on for neem tree information, including neem tree benefits and uses. However, that’s just the beginning of the story.
Always consult a qualified physician or health care provider for diagnosis and treatment of any condition. (It doesn’t have to be a lot of light – a near-by living room lamp is fine.). In colder climates, neem trees can easily be grown in large pots as highly decorative houseplants that spend summers outside and winters in a sunny window. Vicki started Neem Tree Farms in 1992 because she had developed a chemical sensitivity to pesticides she was using on her yard and rescued dogs -- long before we knew how dangerous they could be. Traditionally, natives chewed the twigs, which served as effective, impromptu toothbrushes. It does well at elevations from sea level to perhaps 1,000 m near the equator. The tree is said to grow "almost anywhere" in the lowland tropics. Today you can find neem trees growing in Asia (of course, that's where they come from), in Africa, and in Central and South America. Additionally, the oil makes a great fungicide for issues like powdery mildew, black spot and sooty mold. Neem is renowned for good growth on dry, infertile sites.
These trees are planted in soiless potting mixture (as required for national and international shipments) but microorganisms have been added to enhance growth and uptake of organic fertilizers. Do not use soil from your yard or compost pile unless you’re an expert gardener and know exactly what you’re doing. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Contact: Discover Neem; Mariasteinerstr. Oil – Familiar primarily to organic gardeners in the United States, neem oil is made by pressing the oil-rich neem seeds. Leaving them in pots or polythene bags for too long will lead to stunted and distorted roots, and it is also very easy to damage roots when the tree is planted out. In colder climates, neem trees can easily be grown in large pots as highly decorative houseplants that spend summers outside and winters in a sunny window. For optimum growth, fertilize weekly with fish emulsion at half the recommended rate and use a balanced organic fertilizer — like 6-6-6 — monthly while the tree is growing. However, I see no problem with raising them in pots. However, it generally performs best in areas with annual rainfalls of 400-1,200 mm. Growing neem trees is not hard. It is not typically sterile and often holds more water than a potting soil. Any standard mix, supplemented with a balanced fertilizer, should do. It is sometimes used as livestock fodder. Any. The oil is highly effective against a variety of pests, including: It is also useful as a natural insect repellent and is often incorporated into shampoo, soap, lotion and other skin care products. The areas where neem trees grow naturally receive between 450 and 1200 mm of rain per year, but neem has been planted in drier regions as well. Neem trees develop a very deep and strong tap root. A neem tree can be expected to live 150 to 200 years. It needs and positively thrives in hot weather, but it can handle the occasional cold spell.
The oil is also valued for its calming effect. However, extended cool weather with temperatures below 35 F. (5 C.) will cause the tree to drop its leaves. The one single thing that neem trees can't handle are soggy, waterlogged soils. So is the occasional drop down to about 5°C (35F). Longer exposure to cold weather can cause permanent damage or kill a neem tree. True, you can grow neem trees in just about any soil. We use a 2-3-1 from because we want extra-strong roots.
Neither the information nor the products mentioned on are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. A native of India, neem is an extraordinarily hardy tree that thrives in ecosystems ranging from the Sahara Desert to the wet salty environment of the Florida Keys. Photo: Read about the neem tree's many uses and benefits.
Temperatures up to 50°C (120F) are fine for growing neem trees.
Neem oil should not be taken internally.
You can also apply a diluted fish emulsion. The neem tree is very hardy and fast growing. Contact her at A journalist by training, Vicki enjoys "translating" complex scientific reports into easy-to-read and informative articles. This website does not sell any products. As long as the seed is fresh it germinates readily in about a week. Neem is a hardy tree that can tolerate temperatures up to 120 F. (50 C.). That being said, if you can locate fresh neem tree seeds, you can grow a tree indoors in a pot filled with good quality, well-drained potting soil. None of the information presented on this website is to be taken as medical advice. Cake – “Cake” refers to the pulpy substance that is leftover after oil is extracted from the seeds.
The plant roots need to breathe, so don't try growing neem trees in swamps. The neem tree (Azadirachta indica) has caught the attention of gardeners in recent years for the benefits of its oil, a safe and effective herbicide. As a result, the wood is a critical source of clean-burning firewood in many frost-free regions of the world. I have never tried to raise seeds in pots, I just put them straight into the ground and they do fine anywhere. Neem contains compounds similar to those in aspirin and must never be used to treat children with fevers. The tree won’t tolerate colder temperatures, wet climates or prolonged drought. Temperatures up to 50°C (120F) are fine for growing neem trees. The neem tree originated in India and loves growing in a tropical to subtropical climate. Feed the tree about once a month in spring and summer, using a light application of any good quality, balanced fertilizer or a dilute solution of water-soluble fertilizer. Neem trees grow slowly during their first year, but they reach maturity fast. The trees benefit from regular moisture, but be careful not to overwater, as the tree won’t tolerate wet feet or poorly drained soil. Growing Plants For Cosmetics: Learn How To Grow A Beauty Garden, Helping Your Plants With A Neem Oil Foliar Spray, Azadirachtin Vs. Neem Oil – Are Azadirachtin And Neem Oil The Same Thing, Herbal Vinegar Recipes – How To Infuse Vinegar With Herbs, Fruit Flavored Vinegar Recipes – Learn About Flavoring Vinegar With Fruit, Home Canning Mushrooms – Tips For Storing Mushrooms In Jars, Info On Banana Plant Pests – Learn About Banana Plant Diseases, Euonymus Winter Care: Tips On Preventing Winter Damage To Euonymus, Chrysanthemum Bloom Season: Encouraging Flowers On Mums, Planting Bulbs In Pots – Learn How To Plant Bulbs In Containers, Pressing Flowers: Bringing The Outdoors In Year Round, Halloween In The Garden: When Plants Become Dormant For Winter, Haunted Houseplants – Top Houseplants For Halloween, Giant Pumpkin Growing: Life Lessons Through Gardening. (For readers from non-tropical and cooler climates: learn how to grow neem as a house plant.). Neem trees don't care much about pH either.
If you expect to harvest neem year-round, make sure your tree receives as much natural light as possible during the day, then several hours of artificial light at night during the short days of winter. Photo: Neem tree growing on a dry hillside in an Indian village. Neem should not be taken by anyone who is pregnant or trying to conceive. Leaves – In paste form, neem leaves are used as a skin treatment, primarily for fungus, warts or chicken pox. There have been trials using cuttings, suckers, roots and tissue culture, and it all works, but planting seed is by far the easiest and the most common method. Clay soils or sandy soils, rocky or saline soils, it does not matter. document.write(d.getFullYear()) Birgit Bradtke. In fact, growing neem trees can help bring acidic soils back to a neutral range and improve the water holding capacity and nutrient level of poor soils. So if you start them in pots, get them out in the ground as soon as possible. Below that the neem tree will shed its leaves. Like most plants neem trees grow best in deep, rich, dark soils with lots of nutrients and good water holding capacity, but it is amazing to see how well neem trees grow on the poorest, shallowest, rocky slopes as well. Up to 8.5 is fine, and so are acidic soils. This versatile plant, native to tropical India and Asia, is a valuable tree with many uses. Below that the neem tree will shed its leaves. Once they’re settled in, however, neem trees are happy in full sun and handle high winds well. Neem trees, like many tropical plants, are day-length sensitive and will stop growing in the winter unless supplemental light is provided. The sticky bark resin is commonly used as glue. The neem tree originated in India and loves growing in a tropical to subtropical climate. There are neem trees growing in areas that receive as little as 200 mm annual rain. For best results, plant your new neem tree in a three-gallon pot for its first year or two, then gradually increase the size of the pot until it’s as large as you can move in and out. If possible, place your new tree in a spot where it is protected from afternoon sun and high winds. In Florida and other tropical climates, neem quickly becomes a valuable shade tree, growing up to eight feet per year under optimum conditions. So is the occasional drop down to about 5°C (35F). But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. After that it will produce 30 to 50 kg of fruit a year. Photo: Growing neem tree seedlings in pots/polyethylene bags. Neem trees growing in India, their country of origin. Read about the neem tree's many uses and benefits. If you have access to mature trees, you can root the cuttings in late fall or early winter. The only pests known to harm it are directly related to overwatering: slugs (which are mollusks not insects) and several strains of root rot. To learn about “watchflowers,” visit our blog at (or you can also Google watchflower and it will pop right up).
Outdoors, plant fresh neem seeds directly in the ground, or start them in trays or pots and transplant them outdoors at about three months.