Some possible positions for a reading designed to understand relationships are: mind/body/spirit, material state/emotional state/spiritual state, you/your current path/your potential and stop/start/continue. As it is a practice that goes deep within, it is to be understood that many people who read tarot do not like to read to themselves. Air. Instead of focusing on the meaning of individual cards, you'll be able to focus on the energy they bring in as a group. The main problem is that you may not be able to remain unbiased while reading the cards to yourself. Read tarot cards for yourself: how to To make better use of the game for yourself, keep things simple. Take care! Is it possible to use Tarot cards for defense against evil spirits, demons, etc.?
Trusting your intuition is the true way to read tarot cards and something you'll begin to do naturally you become more experienced. Her work has been featured on CNN and she was voted “Best Astrologer” by SF Weekly in San Francisco. "How to set up and interpret the cards using my intuition/"gut" helped. Light incense and candles to create a relaxed environment for your reading. So if you’re ready to start reading Tarot for yourself with clarity, pay close attention as I walk you through the 5 steps to an accurate and insightful Tarot reading. This article has been viewed 911,964 times.
It’s natural! "I'm a complete beginner at tarot reading, and I've learned a lot already by just quickly reading over the article. Especially if you need more advice than analysis or forecast. I am more prepared! ", understanding of the cards now.
I understand you may have issues that are the reasons you are reading the cards in the first place but try to keep your troubled emotions at bay and read the tarot cards when you are feeling calm. ", "The whole article was very helpful, thank you. Sometimes it is a subtle difference in interpretation and sometimes significant, depending on the card and where it falls in your spread. Tarot is very popular with magic users. 2. To read tarot cards, start with a basic three-card spread by laying 3 cards out in front of you, face down in a horizontal line. ", "I liked this article very much. Line up all the cards from a constellation in front of you and ask yourself some questions such as how you feel about each card, what attracts, repels, annoys or makes you anxious about the cards, how they're alike and how they're different and what symbols they seem to share. This will take the focus off pure memorization and the fear of being wrong and allow you to create readings that flow because of the way you've personally connected with the cards. "I wanted to learn tarot card reading, and your article has been a great help. ", "I'm a beginner, and this gave me more of an insight into it. It is more advisable that you focus on the present and leave questions about the past and the future a little distant. Susan is the author of five books that are published in several languages including Introduction To Tarot and Taoist Astrology. Thanks.
The death card is actually a sign of rebirth. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Pass your deck five to seven times over burning incense. It will not be a Tarot reading if you do not use Tarot cards. Avoid very complex games and opt for the simplest ones. To sharpen your readings, practice "reverse-reading": think of a meaning first (e.g., "speedy resolution"), then try to think which card which might represent it (e.g., 8 of Wands). Or try instead taking a deep breath and breathe deeply and slowly into your deck three times.
Don't worry about being right--just go from your gut. And If so, do you know where I could learn to do so?
No. By using our site, you agree to our. This game actually helps you develop a skill you can use in your readings. If you believe strongly in free will, that does not mean you cannot benefit from tarot's descriptive power. First of all, if you are feeling nervous, tired or anxious, do not read tarot cards for yourself. Record yourself or keep a journal of what cards you pulled and what messages you received so you can circle back to it at a later date. This article received 21 testimonials and 95% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. I.e. To Read tarot cards for yourself can be tricky if you are not focused. Take note. Try working with a partner who can quiz you using the deck as a kind of set of flash cards. Some possible positions for a reading designed to understand a situation are: past/present/future, current situation/obstacle/advice, where you stand now/what you aspire to/how to get there and what will help you/what will hinder you/what is your unrealized potential. All prices and characteristics of the products presented are valid as of the date of publication of the content and may be changed without prior notice. Often we discover unknown facts about us. It was very helpful for understanding about Tarot card reading methods. Alternatively, fan your deck on a tablecloth and sprinkle it with salt and/or sand for one to two minutes or any combination of basil, lavender, rosemary, sage or thyme. When a difficult card comes up in one of your readings and you want to help the Seeker resolve that issue, you can suggest a card that will counteract the difficult card. Susan Levitt is a professional tarot card reader, astrologer, and feng shui consultant based in San Francisco, California since 1986. What do The Hermit, The Star and Judgement cards mean? Reply Four Tarot Spreads for the New Moon - Happy as Annie February 21, 2020 at 10:35 pm […] a new moon symbolizes new beginnings and fresh starts, it is the perfect time to meditate on and use tarot cards to consult your intuition about exploring new ideas, launching new projects, beginning a new adventure, or starting over when […] However, in the beginning, my best advice is to read as though you are doing it for someone else. Don't plan to rely too heavily on your book. Read these as a narrative set. It will be helpful to get you on track for learning, but you need to integrate your intuition with your book knowledge to fully develop as a Tarot card reader.
As always, when you have received all you can, go back and clarify anything that was confusing to you by shuffling and pulling a clarifier card on top of the unclear card in the spread. In that situation, you have damaged your piece of card stock. It can be a comment or warning about possible difficulties. When you feel ready to handle reversals, there are a couple of ways to approach them. I can't wait to get started. For example, in a 10 of Cups reversed, is its joyous energy blocked, delayed, apparent but not real, real but not apparent, hidden, promised, or in some other way not fully present? Some readers read reversals as merely opposite to a card's upright meaning, but this can reduce your reading to a level so basic as to be of little value. Choose a quiet space, light some incense and find a comfortable spot to sit for at least ten minutes. If you need a quick forecast, read the article we have prepared for you. This will help clear your mind of daily clutter such as stress, anxiety and outside influences. Our Expert Agrees: There are a lot of excellent books that can teach you how to read tarot cards. Thank you. The process of buying and / or using the products mentioned herein is entirely the responsibility of the user and the company responsible for the marketing of the product. First of all, it is important to meditate and calm your mind. For a clear, unbiased reading I definitely recommend not reading the tarot for yourself while you are experiencing strong emotions. Susan Levitt is a professional tarot card reader, astrologer, and feng shui consultant based in San Francisco, California since 1986. It's meant to be the story of one's journey through life starting as The Fool (young, pure energy in spirit form) moving through events and cycles and finding completion in The World (the end of our life cycle). It is most recommended that you consult with some other recommended tarot reader, but if you need a quick response, you can read tarot cards for yourself. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.