I have Vesta conjunct my Sun in Aquarius in the 8th house. I have moon+Mercury conjunct vesta (0 degree orb, 21 degrees) in scorpio in the fifth house.

I also have Vesta conjunct Chiron in Taurus, but in my second house. Your focus and attention may be directed to the more private areas of your life. Lilith is in there as well – two of the three. Good for projects focusing on helping people, or for any project requiring lots of imagination.

Amazing. In some instances the reverse is also true, but even if you are a workaholic, you will still try to be faithful to your promises and obligations in your domestic life.

The breakdown of your old or out-dated work habits can lead to new ventures which afford you with greater independence and individuality.

I have Vesta in Aries conjunct Mars in Aries and possibly conjunct my North Node in Aries as well, all in the 8th House.

Share your Vesta placement, if you dare! Interested in the meaning of the asteroids in your chart? You may feel an urgent need to move ahead and in the process will discard work which is not functional or useful to your future directions and goals.

However, it is important that you discern between fact and fiction in your dealings with others.

Vesta in Taurus or in aspect to Venus: Let pleasure and comfort be your guiding light.

You need to devote more time to your domestic or intimate attachments while still maintaining your dedication to a good job performance. Although you persevere through the daily grind, you find it difficult to direct and focus your energies to effectively achieve your goals and objectives. Above the alter hangs a Rosary from my Grandma that my Mom gave me along with a display of my important values and goals. Pluto at 15 degrees, Vesta at 17 degrees and Venus at 18 degrees. I am dedicated to the betterment of myself, physically, psychologically and spiritually. I had never given Vesta much thought at all until today, as a matter of fact. The sabian symbol for 17 Scorpio is “A woman, filled with her own spirit, is the father of her own child.” I’m very devoted to self-care! You may feel stimulated to take on the challenge of new projects or work assignments. Currently you have JavaScript disabled.

I have never met a woman with Ceres conjunct the ASC but what is good for the goose is good for the gander. LOL! This Watery Vesta placement wants to nurture and to bring healing and care to the planet.

You may involve yourself intensely in either a work or private matter at this time.

I’m pretty loosy-goosy about absolutes but I tend to go about the same as I would with anything besides the sun and moon (which I give about 8). The person with Ceres conjunct the ASC will be popular with all because he wields the commodity we all want—LOVE.

On the other hand, if you are happily working in your chosen profession, this can be a time when you know how to make the most of your abilities.

His presence put a halt to my early marriage and now my current marriage.

This is a good time to apply your efforts to maintaining secure and healthy emotional attachments with others. Us Gemini’s have a hard time committing anything lol). The aspects to this conjunction are that it sextiles my Saturn in Aries in the 10th and trines my Eros in Libra in the 4th, squares my Lilith in Taurus in the 11th, and squares my Juno in Scorpio in the 5th.

In fact, you have an unbelievable capacity for enduring hardship and obstacles now and outwardly project to others that you can handle just about anything. I would expect this person to be a con artist. Overall, this should be a lucky and expansive period for work, as well as a beneficial time to become involved in educational, religious or travel pursuits. Your work and responsibilities may engage much of your attention at this time. During this period, you may be asked to make important decisions or changes in your work or career. (my Sun is also in Scorpio, but it doesn’t aspect them).

This series on asteroids has added hugely to my understanding of my own chart, and the other few I’m studying closely.

I have come to realise I am very sag and I love groups. I’ve been puzzling over the meaning of this particular asteroid for some time, since an astrologer told me it coloured everything in my chart, being on the asc. definitely… perception and the sense would figure in highly as well. Those individuals in your personal life who depend upon you and need your acceptance may sense your pessimistic view and withdrawal of attention. You might find that you have to work unusually long or non-standard hours in your work place, which takes time away from personal affairs. Caution should be exercised if loved ones are feeling alienated and ignored. There is a greater chance that you will not only initiate projects but will also show dedication and persistence in all work endeavors. You may strive to keep peaceful and friendly relations in your work environment, even if it requires sacrifice or compromise on your part. The 8th house hmmm refers to death, rebirth, joint assests, sex, etc. I love hearing astrological or metaphysical opinions from others! . Exercise caution when handling your own finances and other people’s money or possessions now.

At work, you may feel blocked in your creative expression or have difficulty in engaging in work responsibilities that you sense are meaningless and unsatisfying.