The Queen of hearts, having on the right a. Spade: Somebody is mad at you, because you don’t keep in touch. At the same time, you are also able to find time to invest in yourself and ensure that you have enough ‘me’ time in between all of your other commitments. She probably has her very own bank account or investment portfolio that nobody else knows about. Queen of Pentacles – Comforting, practical, efficient woman. You are talented at staying fiercely determined and focused on your own goals whilst being friendly and optimistic with those around you. The Queen of Pentacles suggests that it is important to you that you are able to live independently, with a stable income and with enough time and space to also nurture your family and loved ones. For a young girl, single or a divorced woman, she represents a sincere friend who will help her to make her future relationship a success. Receive instant cosmic guidance at your fingers tips with Astrology+, a personalized astrological dashboard that focuses on your birth chart and gives you access to some of the industry’s leading astrologers, along with our in-depth astrology reports.
This card reversed, designates a fair, but not light, woman, with nut-brown hair and grayish eyes, who intervenes to prevent marriage, and intermeddles in all the consultant’s affairs generally. She is also able to work a full-time job, take care of the children, keep the house clean, and still have time to read the business section of the newspaper. Personalities? The Fortune will smile gently and generously upon You. As such, the synonyms, attached to the primary signification, are of an excellent nature: This card is likewise taken as symbolical of friendship in its various phases, the synonyms of the term being: Attachment; affection; tenderness; benevolence; kindly relations; fraternity; intimacy; identity in inclinations; agreement; affinity; harmonious correspondence; conformity; sympathy; attraction; cohesion. Reversed: The accounts vary; good woman; otherwise, distinguished woman but one not to be trusted; perverse woman; vice, dishonor, depravity. By a Diamond, a Woman gifted, and esteemed much in Modish Life. Her personality is a combination of the positive earth energy of the Pentacles suit and the inward focus of a Queen. When the Knight of Swords is reversed in a Tarot reading, it could mean that you allow your heart to rule your head and are afraid to speak your mind. The Queen of Pentacles is a very ‘motherly’ card, expressing practical energy. Having at his side a Red Queen: Gossip without importance. WANDS. The Queen of Swords is a sign that you need to be independent in thought and in judgement. It is the interplay of the cards that creates the most interesting insights. You may be trying to create a better balance between your home and work lives, giving it your all in both domains and trying not to compensate one for the other. The Queen of Wands is the dominant feminine energy of the element of Fire. We've looked at the Page Court Cards and the Knight Court Cards. She is upfront and honest about her opinions, and expects the same from others. The Queen of hearts, taken in isolation, means sincere Friend, honest woman.. She is always a married, settled in life, good, loyal, spiritual, distinguished, sweet and loving woman. On the other, he can be tactless, convinced of his own superiority, and undiplomatic. A further secondary signification has been bestowed upon this card, under certain influences, when it is gifted with the attributes of temperance with these synonyms: Moderation; discretion; continence; abstinence; patience; calmness; sobriety; frugality; chastity; alleviation; reconciliation; respect; conciliation; mitigation; molification; consolation. There are no "correct" or "right" interpretations of the cards, but these foundations should guide you towards the answers you seek. Home. She is warm and generous, and she takes great … They have mastered the power of gentle persuasion, setting the tone without imposing their point of view. As such, her intuition is very strong and she has a unique talent at being able to pick up on emotional energy. The Knight of Swords in Tarot stands for being direct (blunt), authoritative (overbearing), incisive (cutting), knowledgeable (opinionated), and logical (unfeeling). If you know what you are doing, try the Free Card Spirits oracle. Events? And a Page a blond-haired, blue-eyed person under the age of 25? About. Broken hopes. By a spade, she is not of firm health ; or not of wholly firm Virtue. is your source for decoding the cosmos.
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Another signification is attached to this card in a secondary capacity as justice, with the following synonyms: Equity; probity; right; rectitude; reason; the law. She is not afraid to demonstrate her power to others nor does she shy away from a challenge. This card represents a blonde female, faithful and affectionate, always the dearest friend or nearest relative to the consultant. All prices in USD. The Knight of Swords in a Tarot love reading is an indication of some work that needs to be done in the romance department. Queens are also very feminine and nurturing cards, reflecting the rites of passage for women, from embracing sexuality to motherhood and to taking care of others. And does a Queen really have to be a woman? Does speaking your mind often get you in trouble?
It can also mean a big opportunity is headed your way, one you're not necessarily prepared for but that you should take anyway. It is a dangerous kind of cartomancy, so it is not for the beginners. © 2020 Biddy Tarot. The Queen of Cups symbolises achievements made possible by the use of imagination and creativity. QUEEN OF HEARTS. The Queen of hearts represents sincere and loving woman of tender heart. There is certainly no ‘beating about the bush’, or ‘softening’ of her comments, opinions and thoughts. One of the most common challenges for those learning Tarot is understanding the Court Cards. She strives to create a warm and secure environment for her family and loved ones, and gives love and support freely. More generally, the Queen of hearts evokes the feelings of unconditional and caring love. Often a healer, counsellor or psychic, this is a woman who seems to know what is wrong even before you open your mouth. (If you haven't already read this post, please do.). Emotionally and otherwise, the Queen’s personality corresponds to that of the King, but is more magnetic. In this way, Queens can be seen as the most powerful because they influence without anyone really knowing.
Someone else? The Fortune will smile gently and generously upon You. Beautiful, fair, dreamy—as one who sees visions in a cup.