For me personally, the atmosphere that Phantom Crash has makes it the winner of the two.

PCSX2 will also let the user play a large number of games on it. These are another cut above, this time superior to the 'OKAY' SVs, those they can cost a large amount, in the case of the pink 'TODAYPH' costing far over a million New Yen.

Not only that it also comes up with many features such as eye-catching graphics card like Nvidia and Radeon.

The game rights were sold to Konami and a sequel, S.L.A.I. It’s slow, ugly and ruins the pace of everything when you have to trudge between shops to get simple tasks done. Although this Russian company has not been included in Phantom crash, their SV, the Charga, can be unlocked by beating the First Ranker, Yuki. In any case, you can’t win a fight without a good SV – though that’s not strictly true as there is a rental system if you’re really hard up for funds. The best part is emulator is available for both the operating systems such as Windows and DoS. There’s different types of legs to consider, mainly affecting speed and jump ability, as well as armour plating. Many countries have arenas and most participants now pilot their SVs through the internet, with services to physically move a SV to another continent in order to participate in other arenas. When it comes down to it, Phantom Crash is an odd little game. The PCSX2 emulator is available for both Windows and Linux operating systems. This is able to be played on the 360 but you would have better luck on a regular Xbox because as some games do the reverse compadability doesn't quite grab the game fully and it won't be rare to have frame rate drops and your console as a whole freezing. If you like quirky Japanese-style games, pick this up. Said characters in these scenes are almost charmingly ugly, bringing to mind early 3D rendered TV shows like Reboot.

Kitting out your mech is again, somewhere inbetween Gran Turismo and Armored Core. As it stands there has been no word on a third game, nor any re-releases for more modern systems – though Genki did continue to work with Konami for a fair few years afterwards, such as putting them in charge of porting Peace Walker for the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Phantom's delicious depth allows you to get your paws dirty with the most miniscule of tweaks--performance-related, destructive and even cosmetic. Note: In case you want to download them just click their names and you will be directly navigated towards the Download website. AI Chips help with things like targeting, lockon time and if you want them to, the automatic use of optical camouflage.