The Rappahannock and Rapidan Rivers provide excellent smallmouth bass and redbreast sunfish angling above Fredericksburg and tidal influence.
The Rappahannock River flows from its origin at Chester Gap in Rappahannock County approximately 184 miles to the Chesapeake Bay. Largemouth bass in the lower Rappahannock River, below Portobago Bay, have limited areas where suitable habitat and forage are available � shorelines adjacent to side-channel drop-offs, marsh back channels, and in tidal tributaries. But perhaps the biggest deal here – especially when it comes to sheer size – is the cobia fishing. Fax: 540-899-4381, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries ! 410.216.9309 There are several public ramps and private marinas with ramps (launch fees usually required) on the Rappahannock and Piankatank rivers. Again, make sure to get permission from the property owner. The Rapidan River is mentioned here as it offers a much shorter trip to Motts Run Access Point. Seasonal striped bass fishing opportunities exist throughout the tidal Rappahannock, however fall striper fishing is best in the lower river. Located on Sophia Street, Little Falls (Stafford County) There was also an increase in Bay grasses in the polyhaline salinity zone, albeit a much more modest one at only eight percent compared to two years ago. You may even see bald eagles overhead during certain times of the year. But they’ve been filled in – by catfish. The Hope and Glory Inn is the best place to stay in the area, located in the storybook, waterfront resort town of Irvington, Virginia. n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0;
Are you planning a trip to the Northern Neck of Virginia?
Hotspot #1 – Like the bridge at Rt 3, the bridge at 360 (Tappahannock) also creates structure that draws and holds fish.
No matter what month of they year it may be or exactly where on this river you launch, you can always be sure there are fish of one sort or another within shooting distance – so let’s take a look at a few of the hotspots that make this river so great.
The Motts Run to Fredericksburg City Dock float is a half-day trip or less (approximately three miles). Hotspot #1 - The waters from Windmill Point down to Stingray Point can be rather epic. Look forward to a leisurely trip – fishing, admiring the river and its environs, and taking turns at fishing and paddling.
As fishermen, we know there are times when our favorite spots are just not active so we built our Hot Spots feature to show you where the fish are biting in the area of Rappahannock River. If so, there’s an essential resource that will simplify your planning process and ensure you experience our remarkable area to the fullest.
Recently, the hickory shad run has been very good, although it was off a bit in 2006. There is a possession limit of one blue catfish larger than 32 inches per person per day. There is also limited fishing for bluegills, crappie, and largemouth bass. Email: In 2014, the underwater grass survey showed the mesohaline zone overall had 37,260 acres of grasses, an increase of 47 percent over 2013.