“I’m not living under socialist healthcare” “So where would you go?” “Costa Rica” “They have universal healthcare” “I’m not living under socialist healthcare” ... Lord help us. They are so dumb that hurts to watch !! Soon these Trump cultists will be history! The same people that called us babies for wanting to leave if trump won... Are now saying they will leave if Biden wins.... Yup sounds about white.

Trump is friends with these cruel dictators, even negotiating Trump's trade deals with Russia. Jordan Klepper hits up one final Trump rally before Election Day to hear what Trump’s supporters think about Hunter Biden’s laptop, nepotism and more.

David Matas speaks at a rally in Boston Chinatown. Author who served in Washington D.C: Book-From: *Compton To: The White House* by DeSean Martin www.amazon.com/dp/B08MDHVTPG/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awdb_t1_XY6NFbQS021WS.

Trump's whole presidency was a performance art piece designed for these ignorant people who WANT someone to tell them they are winners and they are smart. I watched: "Giant Underground Trampolines!". OMG what a damn moron. You thing a "Mind is a terrible thing to waste" when I watched this video! Did he just compare Ivanka Trump to princess Diana?

#JordanKlepper #TheDailyShow ... Home Trump Impeachment and Acquittal Klepper Asks Trump Supporters: Who Won the Impeachment Fight? These people are so embarrassingly ignorant. Trump’s COVID Rally - Jordan Klepper Fingers The Pulse | The Daily Social Distancing Show, Election Day in New York City - Jordan Klepper Fingers the Pulse | The Daily Show, Lisa Nilsson - 100 - Så mycket bättre (TV4), Milan 3-3 Roma | Roma fight back thrice to rescue a point! Number two: it's not a public event, guaranteeing that these are his people," said Klepper. Stupid followers of Trump. | The Daily Show With Trevor Noah, Trevor and Roy Break Down Election Results | The Daily Show, Votegasm 2020: What Could Go Wrong? Waaahhh!!!! So ma'am, please educate yourself and show some respect to basic human rights, and then you'll be more than welcome to visit our nation.

President Donald Trump has inaugurated back in January, but he's already seemingly started his campaign for the 2020 election, hosting rallies across the country.

Since 2006, he has written extensively on the harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners as part of the communist regime’s persecution of the spiritual discipline. Just think, several weeks ago during one of his many unpaid rallies he stated he run for a third, fourth, and fifth term (out of Trump's mouth!. I'm not religious, but Klepper is doing the lord's work. I watched: "Bill Gates: The next outbreak? Just cuz you don't believe the facts doesn't mean their not true. You can't make this crap up!! There are idiots in every country, but the United States takes the 1rd place. Skip to the content.

Mr. Matas is an international human rights lawyer. Election Calls seworld.info/will/eGibu56Wo3ep3aM/video, i envy trump supporters, the ysay the most stupid people are the happiest. Under Trump people are brainwashed to think that the Democrats are doing those crimes, when the President is doing them! Anybody here when Biden is at 264 and Trump is at 214? Hacker Blind Date at Home and How to Make Funny Food Hacks! this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Credit: Jordan Klepper heads to Trump's Iowa rally to ask them. We have an Ignorant, proudful, selfish, narcissist that only think of himself and therefore could never promote, enhance, and protect our Heritage of" We The People" . My god!!! I’m dying at the amount of stupidity I just witnessed. in Argentina, the peronismo is back ( eva peron for the gringos reference) , we have free education and free healthcare. Comedy Central.

Looks like this really is the final Trump rally...thank god. bruh she had a fact sheet XD this is perfect. OMG the dumbest folks are rollingin like tissue papers.

Trump must be so proud to have this group. Racist and evil!!!!! the man around 2.21. is a good example of a person who should know certain things can not be true. Biden2020. Those trump women!

Trump: I'm winning so stop counting the votes. Why don't people vote for me? That goes against our values. No saben lo que es un gobierno socialista, no sé de qué hablan... y no va a ser Biden el socialista... y va a ir CR con instituciones socialistas... Do americans know that the red color is asociated to communism and socialism?

Speaking for Argentina, we don’t want her here someone else can have her.

seworld.info/will/boK61t7FeJVjkmQ/video, No way.. people can be THIS stupid... my god.. they rant around screaming nonsense they don't even understand themselves!!! $10 says she has absolutely NO idea what it means. I'm from Costa Rica and we don't like people who are racist and xenophobic. Just unbelievable!


Costa Rica... who most recently elected the Social-Democrat into government for the 5th term in a row? {KEY_LINK}Jordan Klepper{/KEY_LINK} hits up one final {KEY_LINK}Trump rally{/KEY_LINK} before Election Day to hear what Trump’s supporters think about Hunter Biden’s laptop, nepotism and more.

Jesus. ‍♂️ Just a joke, but the irony thought Don't send me death threats!!!

| Serie A TIM, The fastest Uber Eats & Foodora riders in the world, How Holy Is Donald Trump? They don't want ppl to understand the system and the games they play or the corruption on both sides. I watched: "FUNNIEST THING EVER! Donald Trump. XD, Three red lines how about 100,000 red hats. These people wouldn't believe anything against Trump even if Jesus Christ Himself came down and told them Trump is WRONG. David Matas discusses transplant abuse in China and interactions with Chinese transplant professionals. A healthier, wealthier, more educated population would be very bad for their games they like to play. ignorance is bliss so trump supporters must be so happy. Donald Trump.

after he caught them libertards cheating, the reporters ignored him and so he was brave enough to let the world know what's happening and then unforunately his heart exploded 2 minutes later after he walked away Services will be at cletus anne and mary lou's funeral home. thank my dios that's not my crowd! I watched: "How To Tell If We're Beating COVID-19". | The Daily Show, Jordan Klepper vs. Trump Supporters | The Daily Show, Flat Earthers vs Scientists: Can We Trust Science? Name: Aaron Dialect name: Chin Wei Surname: Wong Hanyu pinyin: Huang2 Jin4 Wei3 Nickname: Little drummer boy, Cheeky boy Religion: Christianity, Protestant, Pentecostal, Assemblies of God [since 11 Oct 1992; baptised on 9 Aug 1998] Church: Agape Community Church [since 1 May 1993] Reunited: 23 Nov 2004; Engaged: 13 Jun 2007, 1830hrs at Swiss-Garden Damai Laut, Perak