You get shivers up and down your body.

you really should ask him....ive always asked myself this question. ? All the words call out to you. Someone in my Facebook group posted this question so I came to give it a look. First off, NEVER play mind games with people. For more information on signs and how Spirit communicates, check out the eBook, From Crossing Over to Connection, it comes with a meditation at check-out. Should I distance from this friend to move on from ex? The words appear to be precisely on the mark to a question you were seeking the answer. Sometimes you hear a song on the radio, and it just feels too synchronistic to be true. I did it to my last girlfriend who i cared for more than anything in this world. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today.

Tough too say, Could mean something or....... mybeeeeee your making too much out of it and he just wanted to show you a good song or a song he thought was good anyways. Keep hearing the same song on the radio? For more information on our policies, visit the site disclaimers. If you've been waking up with a song in your head, it could be a message from Universal Consciousness, Your Spirit Guides, or even a Deceased Loved One. Music, a conduit that transcends time and space, where distance is of no issue, is usually considered just the perfect tool. The answer to these questions is typically the message the song you hear will be attempting to answer. Energy, which travels through the wavelengths of air, is easily altered by Spirit and elements in the Universe, whose entire operation is in the realm of Energy. This could be a healing message for your soul. You may have been guided by Spirit to turn on the station to listen to that song., literally dreamt up "I Gotta Feelin'." Once you hear the full message, whoever is wanting to get the message to you will usually be satisfied that the message has been heard and stop the delivery of the message. Your Loved Ones, Spirit Guides, and Angels frequently use songs and music to deliver messages to you. Image by Andrzej Rembowski from Pixabay photo of microphone in audio booth. Sometimes these are the messages to listen to and not mere chance.

The Universe and the entities that operate in the non-physical reality will interact and play with you if you allow them to. Ask your Guides to share with your wisdom through a song. The notes of music can act as sound healing, that can bring out certain emotions, beliefs, and ideas for examination and healing. Absorb the message. This will only get people hurt and will probably end up worsening the situation. "Send Me a Postcard" is a song written by Robbie van Leeuwen, and recorded by Shocking Blue in 1968. Image by Andrzej Rembowski from Pixabay photo of microphone in audiobooth with textoverlay, Spirits from Spirit: The Symbolism Of A Meaningful Song On The Radio, Welcome to The Spiritual Living Blog, featuring 650+ free articles, 10 Signs Your Pet Is Visiting You From The Afterlife, What Happens After Death? Hearing a song in your head then you hear it on the radio? This time, it hit #26 in the US. If you ask, often, they may even play songs on the radio per your request.

Just as much as you want to connect with Spirit, they also want to communicate with you. if a guy sends you a song, or tells you to listen to a song, does it mean anything?

Photo of person in purple top holding a radio outside by Israa Ali on Unsplash. Spirit can use the energy in electronics to send you messages. Michael tells the story of "Send Me On My Way," and explains why some of the words in the song don't have a literal meaning. You can sign in to vote the answer. Throughout the day, you find yourself singing this song in your head or out loud and asking people you know if they remember it. I call synchronistic signs trail markers, and the more you see, the more this is a sign you are on the right track. What were you just concerned about when you heard the song? Also when: You’re undergoing a spiritual transformation, Receiving Spirit messages from others proves to be typically challenging, such as the times when you lose faith, Those you love in Spirit are popping in to cheer our mood, Photo of musical notes in outer space by Fine Mayer from Pixabay. If not, he might've of sent it because of the meaning so I think yes. Hearing synchronistic songs can also be a sign your spiritual awareness is increasing. I did it because music is a gateway to showing someone how you feel, and i showed it to her through bands like death cab, jack johnson, neil young, and bright eyes. Waking up with songs in your mind?