[citation needed]. The Vascular Plant Red Data List for Great Britain. CAS no. comm.). 1978. A hardcopy can be purchased from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Note that the PDF version is the booklet as published, whereas the Excel spreadsheet incorporates subsequent corrections. Meusel H, Jäger E, Rauschert S, Weinert E, Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora. You will receive an instruction label which gives you further cultural instructions. T. chamaedrys is apparently now known from only seven sites in Britain, and there is strong evidence that it is an introduction at six of these.
Wall germander is a creeping evergreen perennial 6 to 18 inches tall. T. chamaedrys mostly occurs as a wall-denizen in Britain, sometimes long-persisting, and is known to have originated from gardens or from apothecary's plots around old settlements. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid. Teucrium Fruticans from Burncoose Nurseries available online to buy - Information: stiff growth, silver foliage, pale blue flowers. It is a long-lived woody perennial, lacking rhizomes, and flowering between July and September. (eds.) A population of small, almost prostrate, plants has been known in cliff-top chalk grassland at Cuckmere Haven (E. Sussex) since 1945, where it may be native (Rose, 1988). please contact us for stock. It is very hardy and has less glossy leaves and paler pink flowers than the Hedge Germander. Evergreen - ovate to lance-shaped, grey-green leaves to 2cm (¾in) long, white-woolly beneathBlue - pale blue To give your plant the best start possible, we include free fertilizer with every order. T. chamaedrys mostly occurs as a wall-denizen in Britain, sometimes long-persisting, and is known to have originated from gardens or from apothecary's plots around old settlements. Meusel H, Jäger E, Rauschert S, Weinert E. Across its range, a large number of variable subspecies have been described, though with much confusion in nomenclature, particularly in North Africa and in China (R.Clement, pers. 1. The most intriguing colony is at Cuckmere Haven, East Sussex, where it … This plant is grown in a 4″ (10cm) pot.
Vascular plants, edn 3. Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 4: 1-431. The identity of extant populations needs to be checked as the normal garden plant is probably the hybrid T. chamaedrys x T. lucidum. Volume 2. 2 vols, British Red Data Books. Teucrium chamaedrys, the wall germander,[1] is a species of ornamental plant native to Mediterranean region of Europe and North Africa, and to the Middle East as far east as Iran. [2][3][4][5] It was historically used as a medicinal herb for the treatment of gout and sometimes as a component of Venice treacle. Note: If the Plant is in season but not in stock it may be available in small quantities. Dobignard, A. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève. The plants are small, almost prostrate, and scattered in the short turf. & Chatelain, C. (2012). The most intriguing colony is at Cuckmere Haven, East Sussex, where it grows in cliff-top chalk grassland in association with such species as Carlina vulgaris, Euphrasia nemorosa, Koeleria macrantha and Thymus polytrichus. (.zip 1455KB) This dataset was compiled and published in 2004, and last updated in November 2008. Volume 2.
Teucrium chamaedrys is an evergreen Shrub growing to 0.3 m (1ft) by 0.3 m (1ft in) at a slow rate.
Wigginton MJ. Teucrium is easy to grow and adapts well in most soil conditions. £2.09 Vascular plants, edn 3. EC / List no. Alien plants of the British Isles. Teucrium chamaedrys. Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Teucrium_chamaedrys&oldid=985590325, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 October 2020, at 20:08. No Average Avg. Regulatory process names 1 Other identifiers 1 . Lowland. PLANTATT - Attributes of British and Irish plants. British Red Data Books. 2 vols. Its scalloped, opposite leaves are 1/2 - 11⁄2 inches long, dark green, and shiny. Some populations are very long-lived; one has been known on a wall at Curry Mallet (S. Somerset) since 1922. [citation needed]. Read more on availability here, Your email address will not be published. : 84929-80-6.
It may be propagated by vegetative cuttings or by the division of established clumps. Help Regulatory context. This perennial herb is usually found on walls, rocks and dry banks. Your email address will not be published. Garden plants are often more robust and less hairy, and are probably the hybrid T. chamaedrys x T. lucidum; some or most naturalised plants might also be this hybrid (Stace 1991). comm.) (2010). Teucrium chamaedrys L. (Lamiaceae).
Teucrium chamaedrys, the wall germander, is a species of ornamental plant native to Mediterranean region of Europe and North Africa, and to the Middle East as far east as Iran. Vergleichende Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen Flora. This species, first recorded in the wild in 1710, appears to be declining as a garden escape. T. chamaedrys occurs throughout western, central and southern Europe, extending to eastern Asia and North Africa. It is ready to be placed (weather permitting) into it’s final position. European Southern-temperate element, with a continental distribution in W. Europe. Clement EJ, Foster MC.
Atlas (252b) Germander, Wall – Teucrium chamaedrys is a low growing and creeping plant. The record is mapped as such, though further studies are needed to establish the exact taxonomic identity of these plants. Status in Britain: ENDANGERED. Nothing to display. Interesting Notes.
1. Fertilize once a year with slow release fertilizer. Stace 1991).
Teucrium chamaedrys, ext. Formula: Help Key datasets. Vergleichende Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen Flora. In Bulgaria, a tea is made from the leaves of this herb, called podabiče (подъбиче), to ease gastric distress. It is pollinated by bees, and though protandrous, self-pollination is possible. It was historically used as a medicinal herb for the treatment of gout and sometimes as a … Customer Rating: (0 reviews) View/Submit Reviews GERMANDER Teucrium chamaedrys Buy Germander online. Wall germander, Chwerwlys y Mur. Categories: Garden Plants for Bees, Garden SEED for Bees, Medicinal Plants for Bees, Sandy/Light soils, Short-tongued Bees' & Honey Bees' Forage, Shrubs & … considers the habitat and growth form of the Cuckmere plants to be identical to those in presumed native sites in northern France, supporting the assertion that it is native at this site (e.g.