Meeting certain requirements[Note 6] enables the True Ending. Great Dex so she won't miss.
And if you want to really use those costly crafts to their fullest, remember that she is a slow character and that the CP Regen she has worked just like that of the Gladiator Belts.
Juggler or Pandora if you plan on abusing Petrifying Shell and Trinity Cross. Plus, it increases Spd. Physical - Area All - SPD ↓ (L) (5 turns)Slices through a battlefield in a single, fleeting moment. Best damn support character ever. Her Agl is not that good either. Characters like this are so cool to use. She then becomes one of the few privy to see the Divine Knight, Valimar.
Since he is such a dedicated healer, I usually give him Seraphic Ring as soon as I get it, plus Dark Matter/Cross Crusade/Altair Cannon to better use his Space slots. Falls short on HP and can be CP consuming without Gladiator equipment. Since you have no Stacking when she joins, her versatility in terms of ARCUS slots will allow you to create a truly balanced, ready-for-all character who can deliver whatever you need her during her time with the party. Later in the game, Towa is responsible for organizing the Thors school festival. Since Spd is the single most crucial stat on an N3 run, Fie is immediately a crucial and useful character both in boss battles and outside of them. Devote her ARCUS to make her more powerful.
But since this craft recovers 30 CP (50 when upgraded at Lv 87) it is the perfect companion for Alisa's Blessed Arrow. I pray you grow up strong and healthy. Joining forces, Rean and Crow manages to defeat the calamity but a high cost. After emerging victorious against Vita Clotilde and Crow Armbrust, Rean summons Valimar for his final duel against the Crow-piloted Ordine. Seal n' Chill your opposition with this.
May I have a moment of your time?
Laura has to move towards them a bit though, so be aware you may need to move her back into formation. He is back, and better than ever. There is no Agate, but we get Laura and Gaius! Too bad her EP remains traditionally low, for she has some good Ats that could have made her match Elliot on power. All in one neat, Line Attack. You want her at the highest possible level (both her and her Angel MQ). Yes, he can inflict a lot of status effects, especially Petrify. Yes, Burst Drive can reset your fast, turn-monopolizing characters turn. Nevertheless, the Schwarzers remained a kind and supportive family throughout Rean's upbringing. Super Maid indeed. After the events with Valimar's discovery, Towa is seen as one of the audience members at Class VII's live concert and can even be one of Rean's dance partners, if the player so chooses. Instructor Valestein is somewhat of a middle point between Toval, Claire, and Sharon. Not even the True Final Boss, who is capable of shrugging even the power of Arc Slash. During the Divertissement you have to work a little to bring him to full strength, but when you buy and equip his Phantasmal Mirror he is a peach!
[2] Ishmelga responded, stating it had been waiting for those words for two centuries. It is the political unrest in Erebonia that motivates her to continue her professional career as the Instructor of Class IX at Thors Branch Campus, where she wishes to spread the original spirit of her own alma mater, Thors Military Academy. Shortly after graduating, in the spirit of his endeavors with Class VII, Rean decides to become an instructor at the newly-established Thors Branch Campus. Insight is such a great status effect! Instead, he helps out the Towa Herschel-led student council with requests from both the academy and in Trista.
Gaius may not always be included in my party, for I prefer Laura's raw power, but when I need S-Crafts fast (. Towa enlists Rean Schwarzer as a helper for the student council and gets him to do chores for Thors Military Academy and the town of Trista.
She can do all the stuff Mr. Black Fang did. Slow too and tends to miss if not equipped with a Hit quartz. If I prefer Emma over Elliot, Jusis takes the lead over Machias.
Despite some initial frictions with his classmates, Rean manages to get on good terms with all of them.
Use a Petrify Stack and only those enemies immune will be left alive. Not arts, not even his S-Crafts. She makes a proper tank in the front lines. On the way, they make it past Ouroboros agents, jaegers, Siegfried, and the Ironbloods.
Seriously, learn to use them. Nah! Has decent Str and Dex too, so she can help those Fighters. She has no useful magical potential but as stated before she does not need it.
As such, he is shackled with all the typical healer issues. His arts have power, but they will not decimate mobs (as in groups). Second worst HP of Class VII.
Use her...but don't abuse her. Alfin is a Mage, so she has the Ats to make this one hurt, and if you stack Blind, you've just crippled the enemy badly. They escort him back to Ymir, where he reunites with his parents.
Ah! Please insert a "Use all CP here"sign.
Alisa's intro quote, Trails of Cold Steel III Alisa Reinford is a main character and a heroine of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel tetraogy. The problem with Mr. Regnitz is that he does not work well when you try to balance him in both crafts and arts, since you have to sacrifice valuable slots.
Will leave after Prologue Boss fight. Not that slow either. Balanced with extra points on Str and Spd.