Another step that should be made in order for this law to be taken is to increase the amount of drinking and driving laws. The main argument for most states is that 16 year olds are not mature enough and lack the preparation to handle the responsibility to drive safely. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. Beer, Wine, Federal government of the United States 1078  Words |

These people are wrong because teenagers are not as irresponsible as they think. The legal drinking age should be changed from twenty-one to eighteen. Scholars The Legal Driving Age Should Not Be Raised 1738 Words | 7 Pages. At the minute in Australia the drinking age is 18 and I think that it is time to taking the case of decreasing the age into our own hands.

The legal drinking age is the age at which a person can consume or purchase alcoholic beverages. At 18, you are considered an adult.

To me that is discriminating against people in the age group of 18-20. Some people might argue that human’s brains aren’t fully developed until they are 21 years old, and that maturity and responsibility don’t start to show until you reach that age.

5  Pages, young adults are allowed to drink in certain environments. i think it should be 13 because the 13 year old can handle it, helped me a lot with my speech, thx a ton. Once you get your license you can get a job for yourself since, The minimum driving age should not be raised or lowered. To some, lowering the drinking age to eighteen makes sense and to others it does not make sense at all.

we are responsible enough at 15 at least and you get more experience from driving and you should be a better driver! I personally would not trust my elementary school self, or even my junior high school self, to drive me somewhere. In fact there could be many 20, 30, or even 40 year olds who are irresponsible, do not make informed decisions and are clueless; this does not mean we deny them the right vote. So in other words you can drive where most of traffic laws aren't enforced. Freedom of Thought in Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Essay about Racism and Prejudice in America. the reason they make you wait till the person is 15-16 years of age to get the learners is the human brain is not full developed till the age of 25 and if we are lowing the driving age that puts more of an age difference between "13" and 25 and and to do that would further raise the death rate then what it is now.

I just don't get why u need to be 17 to drive a car.. there is plenty of young driver sessions when you can reach the pedals.. why cant you just do that? There is a reason why the United States has put the legal drinking age at 21. The minimum driving age should not be raised or lowered. The youth voting rights movement used the saying “Old enough, for the referendums but it is doubtful however there will be a high turnout of young people in forthcoming local and national elections.

This test would include multiple choice, writing, and a road test in which the test-taker must show the state that they have control on the road. 4  Pages. The current legal age is 21. The minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) is a controversial issue over whether or not it should be lowered to the age of eighteen. When many teenagers reach the age of 15 ½ they are allowed to officially take their permit test to receive their permit for. One key way to lower the risk of unsafe drinking is to lower the minimum legal drinking age from twenty-one to eighteen. Should the age allowance of driving be lowered to 16 years?

They don’t need the help of their parents forever. After turning a certain age, youth do not depend on parents, Should the legal age be lowered? I think we can end world hunger if we cooperate because its not a matter of insufficiency in food but a matter of distribusion, I also agree I'm 12 but I know rules of the road and I think it's a great idea when you can learn to drive at 16 or lower (13 maybe). Each state is responsible for setting their own minimum drinking age based on federalism. The Minimum Driving Age Should Be Raising The Driving Age 769 Words | 4 Pages. This is one of the many reasons that New York State should consider lowering the driving age. In this essay, I make a case against the proposal that the voting age be reduced to 13. Which is the argument that a 2 year old will give when he's caught doing something wrong. When you are still in high school, independence on the road is important. Driving has always been popular among young boys and girls, which goes back for over 100 years ago.

It is a law not everyone welcomes with open arms, one that has the most impact in the lives of adolescents and if violated, one that can put a state at risk of forfeiting ten percent of its annual federal highway appropriation. I'd like to explain six reasons to why the drinking age should not be lowered beginning with the strongest reasons. Most states have become accustomed to the current driving age, but recently there are certain states that believe that the legal driving age should be raised due to various reasons. Some people are worried 16 is too young for a teen to be driving and believe the legal driving age should be raised to 18. been created that are targeting a change in the legal drinking age laws. A suggestion that would help both the law and teens would be to test teens at age 16, but at a high level of expertise. Right now the legal drinking age is 21, and many people, especially a younger crowd, are working extremely hard to change that to 18. Tayrin O’Rand

Too young like 7 or 12 is not a good idea.

Should the legal driving age be lowered to 16? Should the Age Allowance of Driving Be Lowered to 16 Years? Teenagers are influenced in most part by their peers and it is important, Should The Legal Driving Age Be Changed? Others think the drinking age needs to remain the same. If 16 year olds could vote more needs to be done to gain young people’s interest in politics. Tram accident, Driving, Automobile 641  Words | For example, young adults are massively affected by government education policies, I think they have a right to choose which candidate best represents their views and gives them the opportunity to achieve the best future possible. Maby there needs to be a background check and recomendations before getting license. Premium While taking drivers education, you are tested and taught about all the rules of the roads and shown many reasons to follow these roads.

Forever devastated by the loss. While you are driving with an adult, they will supervise you and tell you what things you are doing wrong so that you will not make the mistake again.

Is the government contradicting themselves?

People feel that the driving age should be raised to twenty-one so that the society is safer and has more responsible drivers.

The discussion of keeping the minimum driving age at 16 or raising it to 21 revolves around generic maturity, but there is more than just that to look at. All over the country, teens are learning how to drive and using this skill in everyday activities. The pointlessness of raising the driving age appears for many reasons. 5  Pages. That would be completely, death for teens in the US. -driving is

It is thought to have become truly democratic, actually turnout and this marks it with importance.

Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

In our daily life we listen to 18 year old teenagers say, “I’m an adult I can make my own decisions.” In part, this statement is legally correct but not always physiologically acceptable.

Driving has always been popular among young boys and girls, which goes back for over 100 years ago.