African American culture is termed to be the most vibrant form of culture in the United States along with Hispanic cultures, Mexican cultures and also Chinese cultures. What neighborhood poverty studies can learn from African American Studies. Psychological processes refer to how human beings behave or act in certain situations and how these actions influence the behavior of other people within society and also their norms, customs and beliefs.
1-570-301-7456. This is a sample topic on the history of slavery. Civil Rights Act of 1964 â A Civil Rights Act of 1964 term paper shows that the act did not bring about instantaneous change, but it did draw a line in the sand. The dark history of African Americans during the slavery period has played a great role in developing cultural emotions that are used to differentiate African Americans from other social groups in America. Although these changes have had profound implications for many racial and ethnic groups in the United States, it is African American culture that has emerged as a powerful phenomenon. Before being crowned the "King of the Blues," a young Riley King honed his on-stage persona and made crucial contacts as a radio DJ. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka - A Landmark Case Unresolved Fifty Years Later, Jean Van Delinder (2004). The analysis takes into account the research work carried out highlighting various aspects of African American culture as well as its explanatory factors. African Americans have long defied white supremacy and celebrated Black culture in public spaces, How women’s untold histories shaped South Africa’s national poet, Black Canadian women artists detangle the roots of Black beauty, How World War I sparked the artistic movement that transformed black America, The story of Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield, America’s first black pop star. Economics of Slavery â Economics of Slavery research papers write about how capitalism influenced the slave trade.
Integration of Schools- Integration of Schools Term Paper looks at the 1950â²s society, and the African American’s fight for desegregation of schools. The Scottsboro Boys- The Scottsboro Boys Research Paper explores the trial of nine black men in the south during the 1930â²s, and their unfair trial. Because this group is immersed in the notion of equality amongst all races around the world, they might respond in an emotional or aggressive way if one of their members was discriminated against by people from societies deemed to be racists or hate crime offenders. Choose a Major Historical Event â Choose any one group or major historical event to illustrate how people, places and/or events have been interrelated and impacted. The presence of large groups of African Americans in these areas explains immediacy while numbers refers to how individuals that share similar attitudes are able to effect social impact in their society. Psychology research shows how hair combing sends a powerful message from parent to child. The discussion has also focused on how African American culture influences the psychological theories that are used to explain psychological processes in human beings where it has been determined that the African roots of their culture as well as the period of slavery influenced the psychological process of African Americans. James, J.S., (2008). I consider myself to be a part of the African-American culture, although I am biracial. Empire, a TV drama about a black hip-hop star turned music mogul, is breaking new ground by foregrounding 'risky' issues around race, sexuality and class. Black Studies - examine the interdisciplinary academic subject that combines elements of the history, culture and politics of African Americans. The neurological perspective, on the other hand, focuses on the psychological and cultural phenomenon that has been used in the co-evolution of the cultural group. Detail from Mickalene Thomas’s ‘Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe: Les trois femmes noires’ which is part of a show called ‘Femmes Noires’ currently at the Art Gallery of Ontario. The theory of terror management uses culture to provide a set of standards required for moral behavior within the society to ensure any immoral acts have been dealt with (Kitayama, 2002). There are three factors that are used to explain the social influence of the communication’s approach with the first being strength which refers to the individual differences that exist in a cultural setting that are used to provide support to the culture of a particular group where for example a rich or influential personality such as American President Barack Obama or Oprah Winfrey, the richest Black American woman in world use their individual strengths to influence other African Americans around them (Kitayama, 2002).
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This culture has its roots from both sub-Saharan African communities and also Sahelean cultures, which consist of the Senegalese, Malians, Sudanese, northern Nigerians and Ethiopians. The aspects of African American culture that mostly stand out are the radical innovations that have taken place in music, art, religion and food, which were mostly affected by the emancipation of slaves during the period of slavery (Nichols, 2006). In America, most African American societies are found in areas such as Queens in New York, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Philadelphia, Mississippi and New Orleans. Immediacy has made it possible for African Americans to coexist with each other in the various parts of America thereby sharing their religious beliefs and values systems as well as their historic background of slavery. They have also influenced the psychological process of biological foundations by practicing preprogrammed cultural practices derived from their sub-Saharan and Sahealan roots (Hecht et al., 2003). Paper Masters gives students topic suggestions for writing research papers on African American History. IvyPanda. The affective or emotional systems approach explains the psychological processes of cultural members based on their emotions as it is based on the premise that emotions form the foundation of culture (Keller et al., 2002). View African American Culture Research Papers on for free. Afro-American Studies Research Papers on an interdisciplinary field of research and writing that focuses on politics, cultures, and histories of African Americans. African Americans have their culture deeply rooted in traditional African belief systems and religious practices, while White Americans have their culture based on aesthetic values and systems that make up the westernized society.
From a historical perspective, African Americans have had a rich and turbulant history in the United States. African American communication: exploring identity and culture. Television shows such as Different Strokes and Julia represented very few differences that were used to explain the experiences of African Americans and also White Americans. Since the abolishment of slavery, the African-American community has generated a unique cultural legacy that is not duplicated anywhere else in the world. African American emotions have their foundations in the dark past where their ancestors were openly discriminated against because of the color of their skin. Cookies Policy, This research paper on African American Culture was written and submitted by your fellow student. Fearing their neighborhood's rich history would be forever lost in the wake of Katrina, residents teamed up with a group of volunteers to create a museum of living history. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Genevieve, F., & O’Meally, R.G., (1994). Warriors Don’t Cry- Warriors Don’t Cry Research Paper delves into an autobiography on the integration of African American students into white schools. AcaDemon — Areas such as Mississippi and New Orleans have a high concentration of African Americans, which means that immediacy plays a great part in their cultural development as a society. Black History - A research paper on Black History discuss this important component of culture that aims to preserve the traditional narratives of black culture. Robert Smalls- Robert Smalls Research Paper delves into the life of a slave that had relative freedom, became a war hero, and a statesman. Anacleto Rapping/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images. Culture is a very broad subject that offers us countless possibilities for the research. African American Culture. Shannon M. Smith, College of Saint Benedict & Saint John's University, Aretha Phiri, Rhodes University and Uhuru Portia Phalafala, Stellenbosch University, Elizabeth J. Schlesinger and Multiculturalism research papers investigate how America has lost its sense of community. The Autobiography of Malcolm X â Self-biographical account of the life of Civil Rights leader Malcolm X. Slavery and Emancipation in the Nation's Capital - Using Federal Records to Explore the Lives … The neurological perspective also states that culture is a preprogrammed condition that is mostly built up by the environmental patterns that exist in an individual’s surroundings. Another major difference that exists between both groups is that African Americans are bicultural because they derive their culture from the African sub-Saharan countries as well as their ancestors who migrated to America. Praying for Sheetrock- Praying for Sheetrock Research Paper looks at a book by Melissa Fay Greene about racial discrimination.
Under this theory, influence in cultural groups usually occurs when people with similar social attributes interact together to influence each other in either a positive or negative way. Civil Rights Movement â The civil rights movement in America, which began officially under President Lyndon Johnson in 1964, has led to tremendous forward strides for African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and women. The NAACP was formed in 1909 under the leadership of W.E.B. The period of slavery helped to shape their experience as members of the African American society making it difficult to take on any other cultures apart from their own. In the assimilationist typology, both communities exercised culture by eliminating any social or cultural differences that went against universal similarities (Parks & Kumar, 2003). Research within librarian-selected research topics on African-American Culture and Society from the Questia online library, including full-text online books, academic journals, magazines, newspapers and … Another similarity that exists between White Americans and African Americans is the use of language as a connection to culture where a linguistic perspective offers a link to the cultural meanings of each group. The communications systems theory of psychological processes as explained earlier deals with how communication influences people within the same cultural mindset. Such resistance has been referred to as cultural inversion where certain cultural behaviors, meanings or entities do not signify African American or White American culture (Atweh et al., 2001). Displaying all articles. The evolutionary perspectives of the African American community are mostly based on their survival from the period of slavery to the period of racial discrimination and segregation in America. Prologue Special Issue on African American History (1997). 1-570-301-7456. Copyright © 2020 - IvyPanda is a trading name of Edustream Technologies LLC, a company registered in Wyoming, USA. 14 February. Slavery, Civil Rights and the Constitution. Culture in terror management minimizes the level of anxiety or fear that exists in a certain social group by providing a meaning to life.