Confab: a chat, discussion, or meeting (informal usage) 8. a group of people who are all related to one another, including dead members of the group: can be followed by a singular or plural verb. It was still an hour to the time of meeting, and the Ave-bell was ringing.
Accessed 5 Nov. 2020. “Family meeting.” Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Join our early testers! family noun. Synonyms for meeting include assembly, gathering, conference, convention, convocation, congregation, get-together, congress, conclave and meet. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way.
7. Synonyms for friends and family include loved ones, family, kin, kith and kin, nearest and dearest, relations, relatives, people, blood relations and parents. An assembly of people for a particular purpose, especially for formal discussion, The act of meeting or coming together at the same point, A situation when two or more people meet for formal discussions, An organized event consisting of races or other sporting contests, An encounter between people, sometimes accidental, A sustained fight or conflict, especially between large organized armed forces, The act or state of interacting with others, The act of fulfilling (one's obligation, duty or responsibility), An instance of information transfer, typically involving conversation or discourse, The action or process of receiving something sent, given, or inflicted, An act of listening to evidence in a court of law or before an official, especially a trial before a judge without a jury, A point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined, Adjacent to, or being in contact with at some point or line, Present participle for to discover something, especially by chance, Present participle for to come into contact with something or each other, Present participle for to act in accordance to the terms of, “We believe your software has the features that, Present participle for to meet or come together at an agreed time and place, Present participle for to pay or give what is owed, “Insurance has been put in place to enable companies to, Present participle for to make the acquaintance of, Present participle for to experience or suffer, Present participle for to receive, or to respond to, with a given reaction, Present participle for to confront or come up against, Present participle for to fulfill a desire, demand or need, Present participle for to be connected with, Present participle for to accept something willingly or gladly. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Another word for family. Find another word for meeting. Meeting: a coming together of a number of persons for a specified purpose. Post the Definition of family meeting to Facebook, Share the Definition of family meeting on Twitter, On ‘Corps’ and ‘Core’ and ‘Corp’ (and ‘Corpse’). “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Find more similar words at! Another word for meeting. But I more wonder, how he came to have a notion of meeting me in this place? See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. On this particular night their meeting was unusually impressive. Why Do We Have “Red States” And “Blue States”? Conclave: a private or secret meeting, especially that of Roman Catholic cardinals convened to select a new pope, or any gathering of an organization. She disliked the idea of meeting Evelyn in the dean's office. Free Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and related words.
Learn a new word every day. Search words or phrases to find synonyms, antonyms, and related words, all distinguished by color and grouped by meaning. Tories and Liberals knew he had not shrunk from meeting the public on this question. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Do you know what languages these words come from? Here Be Dragons: A Creature Identification Quiz. What made you want to look up family meeting? Legal definition of family meeting: a formal extrajudicial meeting of relatives or next friends of a minor or interdict held especially to advise a court, curator, or tutor. a family group that includes grandparents, cousins, aunts etc. Hester Paine was not particularly well pleased with the meeting. Present participle for to meet others socially, Present participle for to attain or achieve, Present participle for to meet by arrangement, Present participle for to meet the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone), Present participle for to interact with or engage in communication, Present participle for to succeed in reaching or equaling (a standard or quality), Present participle for hit half-heartedly, Present participle for to cut or divide into parts, Present participle for to settle or come to terms on a particular arrangement, Present participle for to discuss, converse, or exchange viewpoints on a particular matter, Present participle for to fetch or pick up someone, Present participle for to bestow legal or official authority to, Present participle for to be of the same opinion, Present participle for to create or form a layer over, Present participle for to make a brief, usually social, visit, Present participle for to arrive at a given place, Present participle for to come or bring together for a common purpose or action, Present participle for to agree to take responsibility of, Present participle for to come into contact with (something) so as to encircle and hold it, cutting your coat according to your cloth. Delivered to your inbox! Another word for meeting: conference, gathering, assembly, meet, congress | Collins English Thesaurus family … Find more ways to say family, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. This brings us to his meeting with Halbert Davis at the door. Present participle for to pay or discharge (a debt, expense etc. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Since their meeting the young man had been her abject cavalier. The meeting was held in the vast auditorium of the Circus Building, which was filled. The thesaurus contains more than 145,800 unique entries from three top sources: Collins Thesaurus of the English Language - Complete and Unabridged, The American Heritage Roget's Thesaurus, and WordNet. Colloquy: a serious, important meeting (also, a synonym for conversation and dialogue) 6. Find more ways to say meeting, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. He told them what had happened, the meeting, the recognition. 98 synonyms of meeting from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 168 related words, definitions, and antonyms.