Explain how an organization could ensure team leads are exhibiting the traits of an effective team leader. Leader exhibit ethical behaviour powerfully to influence on others actions. Even though this idea is not directly correlated to Hill’s leadership actions, it still recalls external environmental action that includes “advocating and representing team to environment” (Northouse, 2013, p.298).

Through motivation, recognition, playing into others strengths, maintaining a systematic process and gaining the trust of your teammates team leaders can be the most effective for their organization (John Hall, 2013). It is the responsibility of the team leader to organize team meetings, topics of discussion and progress toward the goal.

Similar to vision, objectives or goals must be operational; that are precise and quantifiable.

She prepares for each meeting by creating an outline of the most important topics to discuss. Even when the production or distribution of services looks like “it is all working fine,” the leader may perhaps at times required to step in individually to offer a recommendation or reassurance to make sure that workers accomplish their jobs in an optimal manner.

Every leader should be aware about the mission, mission should also be clear, understandable, descriptive so employees can identify that, and they strive to achieve it. Organization is necessary when there are multiple team members working on a single goal. Integrity: Team leaders should lead by example.

A leader is someone who leads strongly, but is not bossy. Ambition: Sleeping on your achievements is immoral for employee spirits and commercial trustworthiness.

Ability to delegate: Team leaders must delegate tasks to individual team members. A manager that is aware of this and supports this devotion to work and the tasks involved creates positive synergy as well as allegiance to the team and company. Leader: A leader is “A person who rules or guides or inspires others”. “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” By Peter Drucker.

... Everyone has their own beliefs and views on the characteristics of an effective Leader. Example: Your organization’s management tasked Lorna with leading a team of top salespersons to create a new training program for onboarding.

Strong organizational skills will help you monitor progress and keep team members motivated. We really had no room for change or questions. Conferring with the members as a team can give everyone the opportunity to come up with a solution that works for both sides. Hall also includes these aspects in his recommendations; he advocates for sharing information from books and articles about successful leadership with team members.