are black, appear fuzzy and are marked with red, white or iridescent green. Recluse Spiders ...deadly and aggressive, Black They can be found in late spring When and Where to Find: Very common in summer through early fall. Seal these potential entry points with caulk, expandable foam, concrete or similar materials. Moth Fly, Family Psychodidae. Family Pisauridae ... Illinois insects and spiders. subdue prey before dragging it back into the retreat to consume. underground and in decaying logs in which to molt, and deposit eggs. move using a characteristic darting behavior, and are capable of moving It is included on this page because the photos depict typical individuals have pronounced red or black markings on their abdomen. The house spiders are brown with chevron-like markings on their abdomens. Microencapsulates or wettable powder formulations can be effectively applied to attics, crawlspaces and basements as well as the structure’s exterior. Appearance: There are many different kinds of jumping spiders but in California, the red-back jumping spider is the most recognizable. Contact Get every new post on this blog delivered to your Inbox. A great starting place to learn spider ID and to become familiar with their body parts, names, and  the eye placement of spiders is on the website "Spider Identification Guide." Its legs are reddish, its front half a dark reddish brown, and its abdomen gray. Yellow sac spiders (Chiracanthium inclusum and C. mildei) are the most common species indoors. When and Where to Find: Very abundant and visible in There they hunt for prey that consists mostly of terrestrial and aquatic insects, but also can include small fish, tadpoles and frogs. But the brown recluse (Loxosceles reclusa) inhabits the southeastern quarter of the United States, as far north as southern Illinois. There is also a border of white or cream color on the abdomen.

risk - non-aggressive, Find a Professional Market Leader Pest This spider is sometimes mistaken for the brown recluse spider, though there is only a vague resemblance between the two. these spiders may also wander into homes, crawl-spaces, and garages in they are very different in size and appearance when they are adults. much thinner than females. Grass spiders construct a large sheet web with a funnel they use as a retreat.

brown, commonly with reddish-orange tones. Begin with the basics of spider anatomy on their website if you need a refresher. They seem to have good vision and sometimes turn to face those that disturb them. Ecology and … Size: These are the largest jumping spiders you will find in the Portland area. shrubs, with a circular retreat at the back of the web in When not feeding, they may hide in a retreat at the web's margin. Cephalothorax Smaller species such as the zebra spider (Salticus scenicus) are striped black and white and often found at windows. Two of the jumping spider’s eyes are much larger than the other six. Behavior: This spider constructs sheet webs, commonly in

I'm often amazed at the number of times I've been outdoors with someone and when we see a brown spider immediately someone says, "Look, there's a wolf spider." such as in basements and crawlspaces. Finally, spiders are not “bugs” nor are they insects. First, not all spiders build webs. found in will help with their identification. it. swollen, as in the above photo. The spider They have long spinnerets and are moderate-sized (3/4 inch long). Their bodies are about ¼-inch long and, including legs, the spiders are less than the size of a quarter. spiderlings climb onto their mother's back and cling to her until they If you have a bathroom or a basement, chances are good you have seen these little insects on the wall. It is important to remember that spiders seen in Illinois are not bound by the territorial lines decided on by humans, therefore their distribution is subject to change. Fishing spiders (like the six spotted fishing spider). None of the funnel web spiders inhabiting the United States should be considered dangerous. habitats (not common in forested habitats). These are small to medium-sized spiders that make “sacs” – tubular webs about 1-inch long, typically positioned between angled surfaces. quickly. Identification: Body color is bronze. Long spinnerets that extend well beyond the end of the abdomen Among other genus, they are commonly called ... Spiders of the xysticus genus, also called ground crab spiders are a rather indistinct species. The orb weavers are usually large, colorful spiders that spin the classic spider web with silken spokes held together by concentric rings of silk. Spider Identification - adult 5 to 15 mm in body length - abdomen striped yellow and brown - as illustrated. Behavior: Active predators during the day. Spiders ...low risk - non-aggressive, Huntsman Spiders ...low Brown

Bites are very rare and inconsequential. The sac serves as the spider's daytime retreat. carry attached to their spinnerets. It has darker brown stripes on its carapace and a dark stripe down the middle of the back of its abdomen. distinctive for this family, and webs of this type suggest Dotted Wolf Spider (Rabidosa punctulata) The large webs of many orb weavers are often found in tall vegetation or attached to porches, barns and other structures. While this spider may become defensive when threatened, bites usually result only in redness around the bite and pain that lasts for less than an hour. "Wandering" spiders do not construct webs to They are about three-quarters of an inch (20 mm) long with large, round abdomens. Many of the brown spiders that we see are wandering and hunting spiders or those that live in grass and shrubs. Try to keep doors and windows screened and shut. Nursery web spiders are large, formidable spiders resembling wolf spiders. abdomen is pale yellow with two reddish stripes.

The immature males are Discoveries of brown recluse outside this range are rare. Abdomen white to light yellow in color, normally female wolf spider with egg sac attached to her abdomen. Funnel Web However, perimeter application may not be necessary if vegetation, mulch, leaf litter, etc., are kept away from the foundation as mentioned above. Color: Brown with prominent longitudinal gray or tan stripes. As with other large spiders, the bite of a wolf spider is likely to be felt but is not considered dangerous. The brown recluse seems to prefer to rest on wood and paper surfaces. In the picture of the grass spider notice the three stripes on its cephalothorax (head-thorax); the two distinct spinneretts on the abdomen; small narrow abdomen, and tapering legs. a ball, and then eating the silk. Sticky traps can be purchased at lawn-and-garden centers, discount and hardware stores, from pest control product retailers and distributors, and on the Internet. I have to admit, I hate identifying "little brown jobs" or LBJs (a term we use commonly for brown sparrows when birding) because it's hard to find the fine distinctions between species, especially when the creatures are moving  or you're just skeezed out by the hairy eight legged creature crawling across your floor. Black widows are shiny and black and about half an inch long. While some people consider these “mini tarantulas” as pets, others find their jumping a bit disconcerting. Their tiny bodies are not more than ¼-inch long. Not following label directions, even if they conflict with information provided herein, is a violation of federal law. Of course I don't have enough time to cover all the potential brown spiders that exist so I'll start with a few of the more common ones.

found in homes, their habitat areas, venom toxicity and spider bite first However, it can ... Spiders of the genus clubiona, commonly called leaf-curling sac spiders, can be found throughout the world and in every US ... A the name suggests, the fishing spider is a semi-aquatic genus of spiders that are found all over the world ... As the name suggests, the dysdera crocata, or commonly called woodlouse spider, primarily preys on woodlice. Scientific Name: Agelenopsis sp. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. These traps are nothing more than adhesive on cardboard.

Can often be observed in Behavior: As above described for Pardosa sp. Many of A very similar species, the common house spider (Tegenaria domestica) occurs throughout the United States and is easily mistaken for the hobo spider. They quickly run from the funnel retreat to

are large enough to hunt on their own (for photos of this, see a different species of wolf spider at bottom of this page ). Different spiders use silk in different ways: for webs or retreats, to subdue and wrap prey, to line their nests and nurseries, and to form egg sacs. Most occur in the desert southwest. insects. Featured are the brown recluse, Localized redness and swelling typically develop and dissipate within two hours. Grass Spider. These are the spiders of imagination, Halloween and haunted houses. Still, some spiders may enter structures even though extensive work has been done to exclude them. Two of their eight eyes are often larger than the rest. Most live along the water’s edge and are frequently seen around docks and on shoreline and aquatic vegetation. If you cannot identify the spider, no problem. the spinnerets of adult females are characteristics of wolf spiders. Various species can be found throughout the entire ... As strange as it sounds, the Phlocidae, or Cellar Spider is one of the most misunderstood spiders in the world ... Piraurina Mira, commonly called nursery web spider, is a brown spider species with long legs. Crab spiders that find their way indoors usually get there by hitchhiking on flowers and plants brought in from outside. with two parallel rows of dots on either side of mid-line on dorsal Severe necrosis probably occurs in less than 10 percent of cases, and may result more from bacterial infection of the wound rather than reaction to the spider’s venom. Family: Philodromidae (running crab spiders). located on the spider's dorsal abdomen, with a series of white dots and adult female wolf spider with tan-colored egg sac attached to her spinnerets. Others claim that fear of spiders comes to us because spiders are simply “creepy.” It’s true that many spiders creep along on their eight legs in search of prey that consists of insects and other arthropods including spiders. When they move their palps away from their face, you can see their brilliant metallic bluish-green chelicerae. Funnel web and sac spiders, for example, are prone to enter structures in the fall. Behavior: These spiders spin orb-webs to capture flying wander or fly within their reach.

They do this by first rolling the silken threads of their web into As for most pests, effective spider control begins with identification. Click here for more information on brown recluse spiders. Size: body length about 3/8 to 5/8 inch; length including legs, up to about 1 3/8 inches.